Page 29 - br-sep-2021
P. 29

September 2021                      September 2021

 VILLAGE HALL       Waste and Recycling information
       Below  is  a  personal  message  from  Jill  Haynes  the  Cabinet  portfolio  holder  for
 Currently  still  has  more  outgoing  than  income  we  hope   waste to all Councillors.
 that soon the groups that were using it will want to come   You  will  all  appreciate  how  incredibly  hard  our  staff  from  Dorset  Waste  have
 back to increase our income. Current use is Pop In Place   worked during the pandemic.  I am writing today to flag up the pressures we are
 every  Friday  morning  Pop  In  Place  movement  to  music   currently  under  with  staff  availability  due  to  a  combination  of  factors.    We  are
 every  Monday  Morning.  Pop  In  Performers  Group  every   VILLAGE   getting a number of staff being asked to self-isolate through track and trace, this
 Thursday evening. The Parish Council once a month and   is  at  a  time  when  there  is  a  national  shortage  of  HGV  drivers  and  agency
 the Gardening club are planning to start in October.    HALL   provision.    We  also  have  staff  with  much  deserved  and  needed  annual  leave
       booked.    The  combination  of  these  factors  has  led  to  us  have  concerns  about
 Village Hall Hiring    cover for some areas.  At the moment we are managing but it is a close call.  We
       will always collect black bin and food waste, but our policy is that, if we have to,
 The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the   we  will  take  staff  from  the  garden  waste  and  or  recycling  rounds  to  ensure
 Lower room at £8 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to   cover.  If we need to do this, I will ensure that local members are informed, there is
 discuss  your  requirements  and  view  the  facilities  available.  Or  email     appropriate comms and that those affected receive a refund. We hope that this    is not needed but I felt that I had to warn you of the pressures on the service and
       would ask for your support locally.

 Defibrillators in Bere Regis All of these are Public Access
       Verge Cutting
 Drax Arms West Street  -  Visible from street on front wall
       This seems to be a current
 The Village Hall North Street  -  Visible from Street on front wall   hot  topic  and  I  have
 The Sports Club end of North Street  - On  Wall of the larger white building near   summarised   an   article
 entrance (not the old barn building)   from   our   countryside
       manager    below.   The
 -------------------------------------------------------------------   detailed  policy  is  on  the
 There is a defibrillator at the Doctors Surgery Manor Farm Road for use by them it
 would only be available when the surgery was open.   There   is   a   huge
       opportunity  for  verges  to
 Monday -Friday 8.30- 6.30 Weds 8.30 -4pm   be   managed   more
 There is also a defibrillator at the school that would only be available when the   sympathetically  to  help
 school is open.   compensate  for  the  97%  reduction  in  UK  wildflower  meadows  since  the
       1930s. Dorset Council has significantly changed the way we manage many of our
 Alison Bennett    verges  in  the  last  few  years  to  do  more  than  ever  to  protect,  conserve  and
       enhance the verges in Dorset for biodiversity. These changes include, increasing
       the amount of 'cut and collect' mowing for the verges within the 30-mph urban
       road network – this is where we collect the vegetation clippings instead of letting
       them  decompose  into  the  soil.  Collecting  the  grass  clippings  reduces  the  soil
       fertility, resulting in lower growth rates, longer periods between cutting and a far
       better  environment  for  wildflowers  to  establish  and  thrive;  in  some  examples  a
       reduction from 7 cuts a year to 2 has been achieved within towns and verges full
       of  wildflowers.  This  reduction  in  verge  cutting  allows  wildflowers  the  time  to
       complete their life cycles which benefits bees and other pollinators. This method

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