Page 33 - br-sep-2021
P. 33

September 2021                      September 2021

       doing over 36mph
       29  July - 963 vehicles counted. On this occasion Dorset Police were present and
       used their laser which noted 1 car at 36mph.
       30 July – 876 vehicles counted. 49 were travelling at over 30 mph and 12 over 36
       1  August  –  This  was  an  extra  CSW  session  with  Dorset  Police.  Due  to  weather,
       monitoring was only undertaken for half an hour, during which time 273 vehicles
       were counted with 3 cars at 36mph or above
       9  August – 403 vehicles were counted, with 71 travelling over 30mph and 21 over
       If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please contact  Angie and Ian  Wright
       direct.  In  the  meantime,  a  full  copy  of  their  August  report  can  be  found  at
       Appendix C of the August Parish Council minutes.

       Elder Road Path Improvements

       With  Winter  rapidly  approaching,  the
       decision has been taken to upgrade the
       Elder  Road  path,  running  alongside  the
       stream. This path was originally installed in
       2012 and, due to natural wear and tear,
       now  has  many  areas  where  water
       gathers, and it gets very muddy. The path
       work   will   be   undertaken   during
       September  and  will  include  an  element
       of drainage and adjusting the camber of
       the path in order to prevent water lying.
       Please be patient whilst this work is being carried out.

       Wilding Village Verges
       The verges have been reviewed and a survey undertaken to record what flora is
       already growing at each site. The next stage will be to consider cutting regimes.
       Not  all  the  verges  around  the  village  will  be  appropriate  for  re-wilding  and
       discussions will be held with residents to decide which verges could be used and
       which should not.


       As all those of you who have used this service before know, this is a vital amenity.

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