Page 31 - br-sep-2021
P. 31

September 2021                      September 2021

      Farming Support
      We  are  delighted  to
      announce  the  launch  of
      a  new  programme  to
      support farmers and land
      managers  in  the  AONB
      (Areas   of   outstanding
      natural beauty). There will
      be  around  £500,000  to
      support  these  projects
      until  the  end  of  March
      2022 although we expect
      the  scheme  to  continue
      until March 2024 with government support. The focus of the programme is to
           Support nature recovery
           Mitigate the impacts of climate change

           Provide  opportunity=ties  for  people  to  discover,  enjoy  and  understand  the
            landscape and its cultural heritage
           Support nature friendly, sustainable farm business
      The Dorset AONB team will be managing the programme locally and more details
      are on the website or contact us direct.


      We  are  not  (yet)  holding  face  to  face  meetings  for  the  moment.  However,  we
      would be more than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please
      ring or email us with some details so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s email
      address  is  telephone  07986  600799  and  Laura’s  is  telephone 07814 569563.

                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

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