Page 25 - br-sep-2021
P. 25

September 2021                      September 2021

       This  type  of grazing  system  used  to be  much  more common, and  examples  still
       exist today, including nearby in the New Forest.  In Purbeck, the partnership will be
       more  than  doubling  the  area  currently  under  such  a  grazing  system  and
       also introducing pigs, for their unique ability to assist this natural process.

       Love Dorset campaign

       As you will all be aware, high levels of anti-social behaviour from some visitors to
       Dorset  have  been  reported.  Incidents  like  fires  caused  by  disposable  BBQs,
       copious  amounts  of  littering  on  our  beaches,  illegal  camping,  discarded  tents
       and vehicles parked inconsiderately, were all of concern to Dorset’s residents and
       caused council officers a great deal of additional work.

       To  address  some  of  these  issues,  Dorset  Council  has  developed  a  campaign
       called  ‘Promise  to  Love  Dorset’.  It  has  been  funded  through  the  COVID
       Operations  Management  Fund  (COMF).  The  campaign  is  based  on  evidence
       which suggests behaviours can be changed using positive reinforcement rather
       than  telling  people  off  or  shaming  them.  Our  aim  was  to  win  over  hearts  and
       minds  through  a  multi-partner  approach.  Through  highly  targeted  digital
       marketing, would-be visitors to Dorset from all over the country will see the videos
       and social media graphics. The click through results so far are very encouraging
       with more than 1 million people already reached and 90,000 interactions to date
       and we expect that this figure will increase significantly.
                                                      Visitors  to  Dorset  are  being
                                                      asked  to  value  our  unique
                                                      environment,   our   often-
                                                      perilous   coastline   and
                                                      respect  our  residents  in  a
                                                      series  of  short  videos  each
                                                      featuring   a   different
                                                      ‘promise’ and using a mix of
                                                      humour     and    serious
                                                      messaging  to  encourage
                                                      responsible  and  sustainable
                                                      tourism.  The  campaign  is
                                                      hosted  on
       and our landowning partners, like the National Trust, Forestry England and RSPB,
       have  all  helped  to  shape  the  campaign  and  are  working  with  us  to  share  the
       This  is  not  the  only  action  the  council  has  taken  in  terms  of  preparing  for  high
       numbers  of  visitors.  We  have  more  waste  services  in  place  and  employees  on
       shifts  to keep popular  destinations clean, we  have  additional  civil  enforcement
       officers and new tow away zones in place to address irresponsible parking and
       robust  traffic  management  schemes  in  place  for  road  closures  as  and  when

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