Page 30 - br-sep-2021
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September 2021                                                                      September 2021

       also saves time and reduces fuel consumption, further aiding the environment.        you are interested in getting your name on the list for the Christmas show.
       Dorset  Council  now  cut  the  B  and  C  class  rural  road  network  once  instead  of   You must be available every Thursday and on the dates of the show below
       twice. Previously all rural roads (40 mph and above) received two cuts per year
       with a side arm flail. This is now reduced to one cut, from late June /July onwards.
       This ensures not all the verges are cut in a similar time and many flowers complete   Performers Group Christmas Show Rydall High Christmas
       their life cycles uninterrupted before cutting.
                                                                                            Prom at the Village Hall…
       We  are  creating  verges  which  have  been  designated  Sites  of  Nature
       Conservation Interest (SNCIs) by Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT). Working with DWT, we   Thursday 2  December 6pm#
       hope to create, by good management, more verges of SNCI quality due to the           Friday 3  December 7pm
       diversity  of  herbaceous  species  present.  Some  verges  already  have  high
       biodiversity value. These are known as “conservation verges”. These verges avoid     Saturday 4  December 2pm
       the first cut and are then cut as usual later in the summer.
                                                                                            We will be doing a Christmas performance on the above dates more details to
       This  package  of  measures                                                          follow on tickets and charity
       ensures  that  biodiversity  can
       thrive  on  more  of  our  verges                                                    Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
       each  year.  While  we  have
       reduced    cutting,   it   is                                                        Bere Regis Food Bank
       important  to  remember  that
       for  wildflowers  to  exist  on  our                                                 Thank you so much for the food donations we really appreciate them, currently
       verges,  they  will  still  need                                                     we are operating a collection service on Friday mornings and we are supporting
       some cutting. Too little cutting                                                     about 11 families. If you are struggling and need help please get in touch with us.
       results  in  verges  turning  to                                           
       bramble  and  scrub,  which
       would   prevent   wildflowers
       from  living  on  our  verges.                                                       For more details about any of the above or to find out about volunteering phone
       Many may think it is a paradox, but if we want good populations of wildflowers,      Alison Bennett 01929 47023
       we will inevitably need to sometimes cut verges with wildflowers present. The vast
       majority of any cut flowers will soon bloom again between cuts, so don’t be too
       alarmed  if  you  sometimes  see  mowers  cutting  verges  where  wildflowers  are

       Some urban verges are still cut conventionally 5 or 6 times a year using mowers
       that leave the clippings behind to decompose into the soil. Over time we hope to
       reduce this method and move to more “cut and collect” mowing on the urban
       verges, reducing the number of cuts and collecting the clippings. Please note it is
       dangerous to maintain verges, and members of the public should avoid doing it
       themselves. However, if you or a group are interested in performing maintenance
       tasks in your community, then please contact our Coast and Countryside service.
       Control  of  weeds  on  highway  hard  services,  e.g.,  kerb  edges,  is  done  with  a
       biodegradable herbicide. This work is carried out once or twice a year during the
       growing season. This helps reduce weeds and maintain the integrity of Highway

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