Page 26 - br-sep-2021
P. 26

September 2021                                                                      September 2021
       beach  car  parks  reach  capacity.  We  also  have  new  volunteer  ambassadors
       welcoming visitors to visitor hotspots, giving information on the local area.
       Finally,  If  there  are  hedges,  trees  or  verges  which  are  causing  safety  or  access
       issues,   they   can   be   reported   to   the   team   here:   https://dorset-                                                              Partners for Storth
                                                                                                                                        Machinery, Borger, Weda &

       New Housing Register                                                                                                             Franklin Electric Pumps &
       Changes  to  how  residents  can
       apply  and  be  assessed  for  social                                                                                            Specialists In Slurry Handling
       housing  in  the  Dorset  Council                                                                                                & Scaper Systems, Iron
       area have now been introduced.
                                                                                                                                        Filtration, Rain Water
       The council has introduced a new                                                                                                 Harvesting,
       housing allocation scheme called
       Dorset  Council  Home  Choice.  It                                                                                               Bore Hole Installation.
       will  replace  legacy  policies  and                                                                                             Members of the ECA. SMAS
       housing  registers  which  have
       been  in  place  since  before  the                                                                                              Approved Contractors.
       r e o r g a n i s a t i o n    o f    l o c a l
       government  in  Dorset  in  2019.  All                                                                                  
       re-registrations  will  be  assessed  against  the  new  criteria  outlined  in  the  Dorset
       Council Home Choice policy (these are on the website). The council will write to
       anyone who re-applies with the outcome of their assessment.                                                       G P Lewis

       Right to vote                                                                          Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator

       Dorset residents are being asked to check their electoral registration details are    All aspects of painting and
       correct  to  make  sure  they  retain  their  right  to  vote  in  future  elections  and
       referendums.  Letters  have  been  sent  to  all  households  as  part  of  an  annual   decorating undertaken including
       canvass to identify any residents who are not registered to vote, or whose details    Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
       are not correct. Although the majority of households will not have to take action if
       their  details  are  up  to  date,  it  is  important  everyone follows the instructions on the   and Commercial.
       form  that  they  should  have  received  by  now.  Any  residents  who  have  any    Qualified and with over 30 years
       questions  can  contact  DC  at  or  by  telephone
       on  01305 838299.                                                                     experience, will offer friendly
                                                                                             advice if needed.

       South Walks House                                                                         1st class finish                  If you require a job done hassle free
       This  building  remains  closed,  and  we  are  currently  planning  to  dispose  of  the      Free written quotes           by an honest, friendly tradesman
                                                                                                                                        please give Gavin a call on
       building and house most of the staff who were there in County Hall. This is part of       Fully insured
       our  planned  asset  disposal  programme  which  reflects  our aim  to use less  office      No job too small or big         01929 471704 or 07977
       space,  with  employees  working  in  a  “hot-desking”  flexible  office  space            No VAT                                   047314, Email:
       environment.                                                                                                         

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