Page 24 - br-sep-2021
P. 24

September 2021                                                                      September 2021

       The Council budget

       The  council  is  currently  forecasting  to  exceed  its  budget  for  this  year  by  £8.3m.
       (2.76%). However there remains a large degree of financial uncertainty and if the
       local  economic  recovery  picks  up,  the  council  could  start  to  move  towards
       financial  balance  during  the  latter  part  of  this  financial  year.  The  significant
       financial burden placed on Dorset Council to deliver services against a backdrop
       of increasing need and considerably less income during the pandemic continues
       to  be  felt  in  all  areas  of  the  business.  The  council  has  a  legal  duty  to  provide
       educational support for children with special needs and disabilities and this level
       of  need  continues  to  rise.  In  addition,  there  are  more  people  than  previously
       forecast  entering  council-funded  care  because  of  the  ‘accelerated  discharge
       from hospital’ programme due to the pressures on the NHS from COVID.

       We continue to lobby central Government for fairer funding. Dorset Council has
       not  had,  long-term,  financial  planning  information  from  Government  since  its   New notecard packs now available from local artist
       establishment in April 2019.                                                                                Alison Debenham

       Purbeck “wilder                                                                           Individual greetings cards of most designs in stock.
       The  Purbeck  Heaths  are                                                                                    Give me a ring or send
       n a t i o n a l l y    a n d
       internationally important for                                                                                     me an email.
       rare   and   threatened
       wildlife.    To  ensure  that  the                                                                              Happy to deliver
       amazing  diversity  of  wildlife                                                                                 £6 per card pack
       that inhabits the heaths can
       not only survive but thrive, a                                                                                  £2 individual cards
       partnership  of  the  RSPB,
       National   Trust,   Natural                                                                                     01929 471780
       England and Dorset Area of
       Outstanding  Natural  Beauty  are  expanding  the  naturalised  grazing  system  at                             07970 704277
       National  Trust’s  Hartland  Moor  and  Natural  England’s  Stoborough  Heath  to                   
       encompass RSPB Arne.
       The  project  will  create  a  “mini–New  Forest”  in  the  area  between  Stoborough,
       Corfe  Castle  and  Arne  near  Wareham,  with  cattle,  ponies  and  pigs  roaming
       across  an  area  of  1370  ha  at  the  heart  of  the  Purbeck  Heaths  National  Nature
       Reserve.  Different  breeds  of  cattle,  ponies  and  pigs  will  be  used  to  create  the
       greatest  possible  variety  of  grazing  and  trampling  across  the  area.    By  allowing
       animals  to  range  freely  across  a  large  area,  they  will  both  be  able  to  restore
       natural  patterns  of  habitat  and  help  to  spread  different  species  across  the

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