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September 2021                                                                      September 2021

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                      POP IN PLACE NEWS

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Sponsorship
                                                                                            Thank  you  to  Kev  Hewitt  decorating  who  has  kindly
                                                                                            sponsored the purchase of our new volunteer tabards.
       Chairman:            07900 906278
                                                                                                                                  Pop In Place Rainbow Café
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                                                       The  café’  are  going well  and we  are
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                                                                      still  operating  within  the  covid  safe
                                                                                                                                  guidelines,  please  do  call  in  on  a
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396076                                                                 Friday  morning  there  is  a  warm
       Clerk:     Crocker                                                                                                         welcome to all.
                                                                                                                                  If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927

       The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  12   August  2021  in  the  Drax  Hall.  Five                                     New volunteer drivers
       members  of  the  public  were  present.  The  next  meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  9
       September 2021. Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a           We are  in  need  of  some more people to help  with  transport  please  phone  Kim
       period for public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend but wish to   Benjafield if you can help us by being part of a rota 01929 471170
       submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the
       Parish Council.
                                                                                            Repair Shop

       Court Farm and Dorset Wildlife Trust                                                 Over the coming weeks we will be doing some wood work in the Lower room of
                                                                                            the hall  making bird boxes and bug hotels etc  if you are interested in doing this
       A  letter  has  been  received  from  Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  with  an  update  on  the   please come in a sign up for a session. The group is hoping to make some extra
       preparations they are taking in order to be ready to take over the site at the end   items to sell at the Macmillan Morning.
       of  September.  A  meeting  will  be held with the Parish  Council  to discuss  how  to
       move  forward  with  regard  to  the  possibility  of  a  Community  Centre. It  must  be
       stressed  that,  at  this  stage,  no  plans  have  been  made,  and  nothing  has  been   Macmillan Coffee Morning
       agreed.  A  full  copy  of  the  letter  is  available  on  the  Parish  Council  website  as   Our first Big event will be the Macmillan Coffee Morning On Friday 24  September
       Appendix B to the August minutes and residents will have had the opportunity to      10am until 12noon. Please get in touch if you would like to donate a raffle prize or
       ask  any  questions  they  may  have  at  the  Village  Meeting  on  Saturday  4     bake a cake.
       September 2021.
                                                                                            This is such a great cause please do pop in and support us on this day.
       Community Speed Watch

       This initiative continues, with huge thanks to Angie and Ian Wright and their team
       of volunteers. A snapshot of their findings for July and the beginning of August:    Pop In Place Performers Group Back to rehearse on
                                                                                            Thursday 2  September
       18  July - 702 vehicles counted, of which 48 were doing over 30mph and 9 were
                                                                                            Children 6 years old and up are welcome to join the group please get in touch if

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