Page 28 - br-sep-2021
P. 28

September 2021                                                                      September 2021

                                                                                           BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
           Dorset Property Care

                    Allan Slater
                 Based in Briantspuddle                                                    DOMESTIC POTTERY VESSELS AT BERE
               Services                                                                   The total number of pottery sherds founds near the known
                                                                                           Villa  sites  around  Bere  is  now  at  a  total  of  7,050  pieces
               Building maintenance
                                                                                           ranging in size from less than a centimetre to much larger
               General joinery                                                            pieces,  some  over  ten  centimetres.  They  are  of  all  eras
               Garden maintenance                                                         during the previous two thousand years, although the Anglo-Saxon/Viking period
               Garden landscaping                                                         (418 to 1066) amounts to only 3.2% of the finds because from the 6th century they
                                                                                           mostly used wooden bowls, which of course, no longer exist in our soil especially.
               Kitchens                                                                                                  Whilst  sorting  and  boxing-up  our  extensive
               Man and digger hire                                                                                       collection  it  was  decided  to  measure  the

                                                                                                                          diameters  of  suitable  rim-pieces  from  each
               07973 158092                                                                                               era  to  find  out  what  sizes  were  the  most
                                                                                                                          popular  by  the  kiln  operators  and  the
                                                                                  customers  themselves.  Human  nature  seems
                                                                                    to  remain  much  the  same  and  it  was  found
                                                                                                                          that  for  the  whole  2,000  years  the  sizes
                                                                                                                          available  were  in  two  inch  increments
                                                                                                                          between 4 inches and 18 inches in diameter.
                                                                                                                          During  the  Romano-British  era  bowls  of  12
                                                                                                                          inches diameter were the most common, then
                                                                                                                          the  next  reasonable  sample,  the  Mediaeval
                                                                                                                          (or 11th to 16th century) again shows that 12
                                                                                                                          inch diameter bowls were  the most common
                                                                                                                          too.  The  other  sizes  were  represented  in  the
                                                                                                                          finds,  with  the  smaller  being  soup-type  bowls
                                                                                           and the larger being cooking or heating vessels. The final era shown in our finds
                                                                                           was  the  Early-Modern  (1700-1900)  and  here  there  was  a  slight  change,  with  14
                                                                                           inch bowls being the most numerous. This probably reflects the increasing use of
                                                                                           metal containers for cooking, although the larger sizes still show in our finds.
                                                                                           This might be the first time that this sort of analysis has been made, especially for
                                                                                           finds at Bere Regis. It is somewhat reassuring that the sizes of our pots, pans and
                                                                                           bowls show a consistency that might still be seen in our own kitchens.
                                                                                                                                         John Pitfield, Project Secretary

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