Page 30 - br-may-2020
P. 30

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

             governments to take action                                                    the  bottom,where  the  prince  was  starting  to  climb;  at  the  back  was  the  witch
                                                                                           waiting to pounce. The multi size biscuits making the building were stuck together
            No  More  Violence  against                                                   with  buttercream which looked just like mortar.
             Women which encourages WI
             members  to  take  action  to                                                 “Wow” they both said and took photos on their phones.
             end  the  scourge  of  violence                                               It was hard to believe that it was all made of biscuits, so many different textures,
             against women                                                                 so many different shapes, such clever modelling of the figures. “You must tell us
            End  Plastic  Soup  which                                                     how you made each piece.”
             explores  the  scale  of                                                      “I'll explain as I cut into it and you taste the elements.”
             microplastic fibre pollution and
             calls  on  the  government  and                                               “It seems a shame to destroy it.” said Gina. Kate lifted her knife to slice into it but
             industry to develop solutions to                                              her elbow caught the top of the tower and it plummeted to the floor and fell into
             the problem                                                                   myriad pieces. “I knew the buttercream wasn't strong enough,” she wailed and
                                                                                           crying uncontrollably, ran to her room and locked the door.
            Make  Time  for  Mental  Health
             which  focuses  on  improving                                                 “She's  still  got  the  knife,  she  wouldn't  do  anything  silly  would  she?”  They
             the  way  we  view  mental                                                    hammered on the door and shouted.
                                                                                           “It's okay Kate you can make another one, the design's amazing a real winner.”
       Until lockdown is lifted and our monthly meetings resume along with their reports
       in this magazine , we’ll be bringing you more information on these campaigns.  In   “I  can't  possibly  win,”  came  the  reply.  “Of  course  you  can,  it  was  only  an
       the meantime,  stay safe and if you’d like to find out more, visit the national  WI   accident that broke it.”
       website at            “There's  no  point  in  me  making  it  again,  I  can't  win.”  Kate  was  shouting  now.
                                                                                           “You're talking rubbish, you can win, just come out and we'll try the biscuits.”
       For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact
       Di  Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more       The door slowly opened and Kate's tear stained face met them.  “I can't possibly
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.           win because I was knocked out of the Bake off three weeks ago.” They stared at
                                                                                           her and said nothing.
                                                                                           “I loved it so much I couldn't stop baking it was my soggy bottomed pastry let me
                                                                                           down. I've been staying with my mum at weekends.”

                                                                                           Gina  and  Joel  enveloped  her  in  a  group    hug  and  nobody  spoke  for  a  few
                                                                                           minutes until Joel said.
                                                                                           “Come on Kate, take your apron off  and grab your coat, we're going down the

                                                                                           “But I'm so ashamed, lying to you like that.”
                                                                                           “Nonsense,” said Joel. “You can make up for it by buying the drinks.”
                                                                                           As  the  left  the  flat  Gina  couldn't  resist  picking  up  an  unbroken  biscuit.  God  it
                                                                                           tasted so good.
                                                                                           Kate might not have won the competition but she was a damned good baker
                                                                                           and had made a lot of homeless people very happy.
                                                                                                                                                        Jenny Piercy

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