Page 26 - br-may-2020
P. 26

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

       Contact Us                                                                           Luckily,   The   Good   Lord
                                                                                            designed  us  with  our  own
       If you would like to know more about the work of the  Wildlife and Environment
       Group or to be included on our mailing list, please contact:                         means   of   measuring   the
                                                                                            passage of time.
       Tony Bates at /  01929 471563
                                                                                            The  mature  human  extended
       Amy Yates at or                                                handwidth  /  extended  arm
                                                                                            length  ratio  is  a  constant
       Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942.
                                                                                            feature  of  homo  sapiens  and
                                                                                            results  in  an  extended  ‘hand
                                                                                            span’  of  approx.  15  degrees.
                                                                                            (This doesn’t work with Orang-Utans)
                                                                                            Thus, If we close the left eye, extend the right arm as far as we can horizontally
                                                                                            and open the hand as hard as possible, the angular distance between the end of

                                                                                            the  thumb  and  the  end  of  the  ‘pinkie’ is  about  15  degrees.  So if  the  tip  of  the
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                            thumb is touching a star at, say 2am, that star will move to the end of the pinkie
            their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                     by 3am. Simple!
             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                       The same goes for the sun, (but guard your eyes.)  Conversely, if you are not sure
                                                                                            where South is and you know it is 11am BST (i.e. 10 am GMT), 2 hand-widths from
                                advertising revenue!!                                       the sun will put the tip of your pinkie touching South. (Which is where the position
                                                                                            of the Sun will be at 1300 BST/1200 GMT).
                                                                                             We all know that the sun is at its highest at local noon and is, by definition, due
        Paul Martin       07788 185048         Could the ALEXANDER                          South.    (Our  own  geographical  position  is  close  enough  to  the  Greenwich

      Electrics           01929 289323                                                      Meridian for it to be valid in this context).
          TECHNIQUE help you?                      Having  decided  that  we  can  measure  15-degree  intervals  horizontally  with
                                                                                            remarkable  accuracy,  we  can  do  the  same  thing  vertically.    “How  high  is  that
       Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’                                      bright planet from the horizon?”   The same trick applies by measuring vertically
       experience offering:-                 Learning the technique will enable you to      from  the  horizon.    But  where is  our  horizon  when  looking  out  a  landing  window
                                             realise that the way you stand & move can      and staring at the shadow of Black Hill?  The answer is that we create our own
        Consumer Unit (fuse                 be the cause of pain & tension                 true horizon.
         board) Replacement
                                                                                              How?    Standing upright, one eye closed, and looking dead ahead, raise a level
        Emergency call-out                                                                 index finger up close past your nose until the finger is in your mid vision. Slide the
         Service                              The BMJ gave                                  finger sideways and what appears behind it is your true horizon. Make a mental
        Additions and                         AT positive                                  note of it for future reference A tree branch? TV aerial?
         Alterations to Existing
         Installations                        results in their                              Your  ’15-degree  hand  span’  works  vertically  as  well  if  you  know  the  angular
                                                                                            height (calculated altitude) of the celestial body in question.   Ff you want to find
        Portable Appliance                   Back Pain trial
         Testing                                                                            the Pole Star (not a bright star unfortunately) we look to the North . We know that
                                              01929 298 323                                 we  live  about  50  degree  N  in  Bere  Regis,  so  the  Pole  Star  (Polaris)  will  be  50
        No VAT – Fully Insured                                                              degrees  above  your  own  true  horizon.  That  is  approximately  three  and  a  half
        Part P Compliant                      0770 441 9200                                 ‘thumb to pinkie’ hand spans. Eezy peezy.!
        Free Estimates
        All Work Guaranteed                  Jeannette Martin MSTAT                         So where is all this leading us?  I hope that it has sparked some interest in knowing

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