Page 27 - br-may-2020
P. 27

May 2020                              May 2020


 We  have  all  noticed,  (due  to  the  enforced  ‘lock  down’,  the  disappearance  of
 traffic  noise,  aircraft  contrails  and  combined  with  the  delightfully  recent  clear   Patients  are  encouraged  to  regularly
 weather), that the world we look at from our homes has become very quiet and   check  the  Surgery  website  and  the
 rather beautiful, especially at night.   village Facebook group for updates.
       A couple of updates have been posted
 The majority of homes in our Parish have a handsome view to the South, especially
 from bedroom and landing windows.   on  Facebook  during  the  month.    These
       are as follows:
 Many of us of a certain age group find ourselves wandering to the bathroom in
 the “wee small hours” (no pun intended) and if lucky enough to be passing the
 landing  window,  cannot  miss  the  awe-inspiring  sight  of  a  beautiful  moon  and   COVID 19
 other bright objects in the sky. The more perceptive of us will also notice (on the   Advice from the surgery
 second  visit  a  couple  of  hours  later?)  that  those  celestial  objects  have  shifted
 westward by a substantial amount.  Why?   Please take great care with everything you take into your home and remember
       to  wash  your  hands  thoroughly  after  handling  food  deliveries,  milk  bottles,
 As  a  mariner,  I’m  used  to  using  such   Amazon boxes or books or toys from another home.
    objects to determine my position at sea,
 by using a sextant to measure the angle   If  you  leave  things  out  for  collection,  please  ensure  they  have  been  cleaned
 of celestial bodies above the horizon. It is   down  with  antiseptic/mild  bleach  solution  before  doing  so  to  reduce  the
 a  technique  that  involves  a  reasonable   potential risk for transmission.
 amount  of  mathematics.        On  land
 however,  as  interested  observers  of  the
 night  sky,  we  have  no  need  of  such   COVID19
 accuracy  in  determining  the  position  of   Advice from the surgery
 these celestial objects that we would like
 to  identify.  A  ‘ball  park’  indication  for   COVID 19 is unlikely to cause  a serious illness in children, but please remember
 identification of such is all that we seek in   children  can  still  become  seriously  unwell  from  other  causes  that  are  always
 order   to   satisfy   our   curiosity   of   around.  Please  do  not  let  concerns  over  COVID19  stop  you  from  contacting
 discovering what the name of the bright   medical  services.  If  you  are  not  sure  if  your  child  needs  to  be  seen  please  go
 star/planet might be.   to  for  advice  or  contact  111  or  your  GP.
       For  information  about  crying  babies  go  to
 A few reminders of your school geography lessons:    national If your child is severely unwell call 999 or go to Accident and Emergency
    Planets reflect the sunlight so they are a steady light source.
    Stars (e.g. our Sun) create their own light so they ‘twinkle’, as per the nursery   Prescription Delivery
 song that we were exposed to as toddlers.
       We  would  also  remind  patients  that  the  BereConnect  team  are  offering  a
    The Earth revolves once (360 degrees) around its axis in 24 hours, so all the   prescription  delivery  service  for  those  who  are  isolating  or  able  to  get  to  the
 stars and planets (including our own star, the Sun) will move (relative to us)   surgery.    The  full  details  are  on  the  advert  in  the  Parish  Council  section  of  this
 to the West by 15 degrees in 1 hour.   magazine.  We have a willing team of volunteers who are happy to help.  Just
       make sure that you contact Brenda House in good time with the details of your

 So how do we measure 15 degrees?

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