Page 28 - br-may-2020
P. 28

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

                                                                                           She talks to me more and more.   I am getting brushed more often.  I am told I am
                                                                                           the best dog in the world.  Normally she only tells me this when Crufts is on.  We
                                                                                           spend more time in the garden.  The grass has been cut five times already and
                                                                                           once every week.  She has swept the steps and tidied up, built a bonfire. She was
                                                                                           moaning  as  she  cannot  get  seeds  and  stuff.    A  friend,  who  normally  gives  her
                                                                                           courgettes, gave them away to someone else!  We went for a walk the other day
                                                                                           to  get  a  dozen  Pink  Fir  Apple  seed  potatoes.    Another  walk,  but  the  potatoes
                                                                                           were put in  a plastic bag, and  it looked as if I had done the biggest pooh in the
                                                                                           world   I was so embarrassed I pretended I wasn’t her dog.
                                                                                           There are other things.  There is less traffic noise  and its much easier to hear.  I
                                                                                           notice the birds singing.  As I am a dog, sniffing is one of the pleasures of going for
                                                                                           a walk and the air is fresher and cleaner.  More people walk up and down North
                                                                                           Street so I can bark at them.   They  don’t  like it but they must understand I live
                                                                                           here.  My Owner doesn’t like me barking but I am protecting her.
                                                                                           After  I  have  had  a  walk  with  my  dog  walker  we  sit  outside  Turberville  Court  to
                                                                                           enjoy  fresh  air  and  she  talks  to  a  neighbour  who  sits  a  little  way  away.    I  run
                                                                                           around  chasing  stuff,  while  they  talk  and  watch  the  world  go  by.    Somebody
                                                                                           complained and said they couldn’t sit there as they were not at home or socially
                                                                                           distancing.  What is going on?  I don’t understand it but good news it seems that
                                                                                           they can sit there.  It is not a public space.  If I had no garden and lived in a flat I
                                                                                           would have go outside and enjoy this lovely weather

                                                                                           My owner is very fond of virtual coffee and the Drax Arms Quiz.  I can hear her
                                                                                           laughing and having fun and talking.  The last two weeks in the middle of the Quiz
                                                                                           she got up and rushed outside.  Very odd, everyone else was outside in the street
                                                                                           shouting, clapping and banging things.  I went out as well; I was quite confused
                                                                                           not sure if I should bark.  This went on for five minutes and then we went back
                                                                                           inside to finish the quiz.  People are funny.
                                                                                           Last night she ordered a takeaway from the Royal Oak and this enormous portion
                                                                                           of Scampi and chips turned up.  Ha I thought she won’t eat that.  I was right I also
                                                                                           had  cold  scampi  for  dinner  and  she  had  indigestion.      I  don’t  know  why  she
                                                                                           ordered it at all.  She has loads of food. (except for dried yeast and red lentils).
                                                                                           The good thing about no dried yeast is that she has to go to the shop for a loaf of
                                                                                           bread.  That is another walk for me and an excursion for her.  There is enough dog
                                                                                           food  in  the  cupboard  for a  week  so  she  will  have  to  go  an  get  some.    That  is
                                                                                           essential.  I like not being left at home alone, spending time in the garden and
                                                                                           getting lots of walks, lockdown is ok, if you are a dog in Bere Regis.
                                                                                                                                                        Jenny Stone

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