Page 25 - br-may-2020
P. 25

May 2020                              May 2020
 a little more about the beauty of the night sky when viewed from the Best Village
 To  this  end, I  encourage  you  to  download  a  free educational  program  named   ENVIRONMENT GROUP
 This  interactive  program  shows  our  World  from  space.  It  has  many  interesting   We hope you are keeping safe and well during these
 features including showing one where the GP* (Geographical Position) of the Sun   difficult and troubling times.
 is on the Earth’s surface in real time, showing up as a golden spot on the Earth.
       With  the  warmth  of  Spring  our  wildlife  has  become
 By zooming in to it and leaving the cursor on it for about 2 minutes, you will see   more active (eg butterflies are on the wing, birds are
 that the sun’s GP moves on westward across the Earth’s surface (at about ¼ miles   singing  their  hearts  out  in  attempts  to  find  a  mate,
 per second).   hedgehogs  are  wandering  at  nights  and  bats  are  flying  at  dusk),  trees  are
       bursting  into  leaf  and  blossom  and  the  beautiful  blue  of  our  native  bluebells  is
 Visit     decorating local woods. Make the most of these warmer months and if you are
    to download to your PC  (Mac   able to use your dose of daily exercise to get out to see, hear and smell these
 version too)   natural wonders.

 Another   great   stargazing
 download  for  PC    is  ‘Sky  and   Nature Notes
       In an attempt to bring nature to you during the lockdown we are posting regular  Nature Notes on Facebook and distributing them to all on our mailing list. Do look
       out for them – they provide some information on local and seasonal wildlife sights,
  This   is   a   well   –designed   be  they  plants,  animals,  insects  etc,  and  are  accompanied  by  some  amazing
 interactive   tool   that   will   photos. Let us know if there is anything you would like us to cover.
 recognise  your  position  and
 give you the local view of the sky in real time. It contains lots of toggle switches for
 different  ways  of  presenting  the  Bere  Regis  sky.  This  is  a  real  beauty  ‘plain   Nature Sightings
 language’ tool for us ‘country folk’ to use. The green square on the sky circle can   We  would  be  very
 be moved for the required view e.g. looking South.
       interested  to  hear  of
 Have fun with your newly discovered, built-in ‘measuring tools’, making sure that   your   local   wildlife
 you wash them well too!    sightings  (common  or
       unusual),  so  as  to
 David Gray   build  up  a  picture  of
       what  is  about  and
 *The GP of a planet or star is best defined thus:
       when  it  first  arrives  /
  Imagine a laser beam between the centre of the sun /planet and the centre of   emerges.
 the Earth. Where the laser beam passes through the Earth’s surface is the GP of
       The photo is of a long-
 the sun/planet.
       tailed   tit   –   often
 Since the Earth is rotating to the East, the GP of the sun/planet will be moving to   appearing in  gardens
 the West (at approximately ¼ mile per second).   in  a  group.  Photo
       donated  to  Dorset
       Wildlife  Trust  by  Ken

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