Page 29 - br-may-2020
P. 29

May 2020                              May 2020

 I am a Bere Regis Village Dog
 I  am  a  Bere  Regis  village  dog,  born  and  bred  that  is.  Not  actually  born  in  the
 village but somewhere between here and Salisbury Market.  My mother started
 whelping just as the sheep were loaded up for the market.  She was put in the   When most people think about the WI, they think
 back of the van and I turned up a little bit later.  I am now eleven years old and   of coffee mornings and jam sales at village fetes.
 am now on my third owner in the village.   In  fact,  there’s  much  more  to  the  WI  than  that.
        When founded in 1918, the WI was seen as a real
 I have watched all the twists and turns in     opportunity  for  empowering  women  at  a  time  when  very  few  of  them
 village life but there is definitely a change   participated in public life.  From these early days, the WI took a democratic and
 just  lately.    I  have  noticed  very  odd   co-ordinated approach to organising
 behavior in humans.  A few weeks ago at      and  mobilising  woman  and,  through
 the  end  of  a  bridge  session  in  the  Royal      local  WI  groups,  women  learnt  to
 Oak,   my   owner   and   her   bridge       chair meetings, serve on committees
 companions  were  doing  this  strange       and  built  their  confidence  in  public
 dance  touching  elbows  together.      They   speaking – all skills which would equip
 obviously  thought  it  was  funny  as  they   them  for  a  changing  world,  and
 were laughing.  I had to laugh at the sight   stand  them  in  good  stead  for
 of four elderly grey haired people doing a   participating in other areas of public
 jig  knocking  elbows.    It  seems  this  was   life.
 instead of shaking hands or kissing.  Search me. They never kiss anyway.
                                              This  approach  endured,  seeing  the
 I observed my owner gargling with TCP.  What, horrible smelling stuff, she is mad.
 It  obviously  wasn’t  very  nice.    She  stopped  doing  this  after  she  was  told  it  was   WI  offer  British  women  training  in
                                              democratic systems and the exercise
 totally ineffective against a virus.  I think she was quite glad about that.  She still   of  the  vote.    It  also  enabled
 ate the honey though
                                              members,  many  of  whom  had  little
 Since then the news has been on constantly, and my owner has stopped taking   prior experience – at least outside the
 me to the Pop In and the pubs.  I miss the biscuits.  I discovered over the years   home – of exerting power, to exercise
 that if you look really cute or ever so hungry, bar staff will give you a biscuit, works   influence.
 every time.  I might lose some weight as I am getting more walks from my owner   This  approach  continues  today,  with
 and the dog walker.  Some mornings my joints are so   the  WI  resolutions  process  offering  every  WI  member  the  opportunity  to  put
 stiff I have a job to get up for the first canine comfort
    walk  of  the  day.    My  owner  is  getting  up  later  and   forward  a  resolution  on  issues  concerning  them,  and  to  decide  on  which
        resolutions will form the basis of national WI campaigns.  Since the first resolution,
 spending more time on the computer but she has not   which  focused  on  ‘the  need  for  a  sufficient  supply  of  convenient  and  sanitary
 left me alone for over three weeks.  When we do go   housing’, was passed in October 1918, WI members have embraced a diverse set
 for a walk she always stops and talks but always at a   of challenges – from equal pay to food waste, women on jury service and women
 distance and the talk is sombre and serious.
        in the police.
 My owner has been knitting and doing art work and   The key current campaigns are:
 other projects.  She has done a self Portrait. She has
 even  done  my  portrait.    It’s  a  terrible  likeness  but      5 Minutes that Matter which seeks to raise awareness of the importance of
 might  look  better  if  she  finished  it.    She  might  finish   attending routine cervical screening
 something  yet.    She  is  so  busy  doing  stuff  she  never
 does any housework but who knows there may be a      Get on Board for a Better Bus Service which aims to raise awareness of the
 tidy house and the garden shed will be done when all   importance  of  local  bus  services  and  calls  on  both  local  and  national
 of this is over

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