Page 34 - br-may-2020
P. 34

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

       BERE REGIS AND DISTRICT                                                             (no.76  Dorset)  of  which  the  Commandant  was  Mrs  Radclyffe  and  the
                                                                                           Quartermaster,  Mrs  F  G  A  Lane.  For,  on  that  day,  a  display  was  given  on  the
       TWINNING ASSOCIATION                                                                cricket  field    and  they  were  inspected  by  a  military  officer.  The  Detachment
                                                                                           assembled on the Village Green where they were joined by the local troop of Boy
                                                                                           Scouts (whose Scoutmaster, Mr Bert Jesty was unavoidably prevented from being
       Bere Regis became involved with Twinning when                                       present)...There  was  a  parade  through  the  gaily  decorated  village  to  the  field.
       a  group  of  villagers  who  had  a  love  of  France                              Here a temporary hospital, equipped to the last detail, had been fitted up in the
       and wanted to know more about the people and                                        pavilion. The nurses gave an excellent display of the treatment of the wounded,
       their  way  of  life  than  can  be  found  out  just  by                           several  of  the  Scouts  acting  as  patients  and  the  practical  and  expeditious
       taking  holidays  there,  decided  to  set  up  a                                   treatment  that  they  received  drew  forth  the  highest  encomium  from  the
       twinning group.  The Dorset Twinning  Association                                   inspecting officer  and the admiration of the numerous spectators. The Drax Hall
       assisted the process by providing details of three                                  had also been fitted out as a temporary hospital. Much interest was manifest in
       French communities of a similar size to Bere Regis who had expressed a desire to    the  two  kitchens  that  had  been  built  in  the  field  and  the  day  previous,  the
                                                            twin  with  an  English        energetic cooks had prepared an excellent luncheon of which the nurses were
                                                            one.    Opportunities          invited  to  partake  in  a  tent  on  inspection  day.  The  cooks  had  prepared  many
                                                            were   provided   for          delicacies for the ‘wounded’ and the labours of the culinary experts cannot be
                                                            visits  both  ways  to         praised  too  highly.  During  the  afternoon  there  was  an  exciting  tug-of-war
                                                            explore   the   other          between the nurses and the Scouts.(There is no record of who won!)
                                                            communities.      The
                                                            information  gathered          War was declared on 4  August 1914, The Grand Fleet which had assembled at
                                                            on  the  three  French         Portland for Annual Manoeuvres and a Royal Review, slipped away overnight en
                                                            communities    was             route  for  its  wartime  muster  point  at  Scapa  Flow.  The  Army  mobilised  and
                                                            circulated  throughout         Reservists poured into the Depot at Dorchester before joining the Dorset Regiment
                                                            the  village,  and  as  a      stationed in Belfast.
                                                            result  of  a  vote,  Bere
                                                            Regis  opted  to  twin         There are few mentions of the Scouts in the Parish  Magazine during this period.
                                                            with   Cerences,   a           Nationally,  Baden  Powell  had  decided  that,  unlike  the  Boys  Brigade  and  the
                                                            village  in  Normandy          Church  Lads,  both  rather  more  militaristic  youth  organisations  which  formed
                                                            between  Coutances             volunteer  Army  battalions  in  the  Great  War,  he  would  offer  the  services  of  the
                                                            and  Granville,  about         Scout Association to the Authorities in a supporting role.
                                                            1½  hours  drive  from         An extract from the Southern Times of 5 August 1914 reads:
                                                                                           Boy Scouts on National Service
       Here are some facts about Twinning:
                                                                                           Copy of Telegram from Major General Baden Powell to Lord Portman, Chief Scout
            The  aim  of  twinning  is  to  promote  and  foster  friendships  and  broaden   Commissioner for Dorset: ‘Hope you can supply thousands of Scouts, if required, to
             mutual understanding of social and cultural activities between communities    guard  culverts  and  telegraphs  against  spies  and  run  despatches,  billet  troops,
             in this country and abroad.                                                   collect  transport,  etc  in  your  county,  provided  exemption  from  schools  and
                                                                                           employment granted. If so, communicate with your Chief Constable.’
            Bere Regis is twinned with Cerences, a village in Basse-Normandie, France.
                                                                                           Lord Portman replied that he could provide a hundred Scouts including 25 cyclists
            We celebrated our 20  anniversary in 2017.
                                                                                           and 1 motor cyclists. New Scout Troops were being formed.
            We usually visit each other’s village, as a group, on alternate years.  Families
             from both communities are matched up and entertain one another for a          Baden Powell did not volunteer the Scout Association for involvement in the war
             weekend, usually in September.                                                as  such  as  he  regarded  the  Movement  as  an  international  youth  peace
                                                                                           organisation. Scouts, however, acted as messenger boys, air raid wardens, first aid
                                                                                           orderlies,  security  patrols,  escorted  people  to  air  raid  shelters,  assisted  with  the

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