Page 35 - br-may-2020
P. 35

May 2020                              May 2020

 Troop  at  the  christening  is  included  with  this  article  with  some  of  the  boys      It  would  normally  be  our  turn  to  host
 identified.  (If  anyone  can  identify  any  of  the  missing  names,  we  would  be   Cerences this year.  Sadly however, in
 interested to hear).   view  of  the  coronavirus  situation,  the
             visit has been cancelled.
            We  hold  fund  raising  and  social
             activities during the year.
            Membership  is  open  to  all  and
             currently  costs  £15.00  per  family  and
             £10.00 for single membership.
            More  information  is  available  from

       If  you  are  already  a  Twinning  member  or
       have  been  in  the  past,  and  are  still  in
       contact  with  a  family  in  Cerences,  now
       would  be  a  good  time  to  make  a  phone
       call  or  drop  an  email,  in  any  mix  of
       language  to  them,  they  really  would
       appreciate it.  Cérences has the same restrictions as we have here in Bere Regis
       so  people  are  staying  at  home  with  only  essential  visits  to  the  supermarket  or
       pharmacy and this began a week before us. They have to have a ‘laisser passé’,
       a formal pass, for any travel.
       Best wishes to you all, stay safe, and we look forward to better days in the future.
       Bere Regis and District Twinning Association.

 The  Parish  Magazine  recorded  that  the  scouts  travelled  to  Poole  using   CONGRATULATIONS
 ‘conveyances  provided  by  Mr  Jesty  and  Mr  Tozer’.    Evidently,  an  incident
 happened during the journey, as the Parish Magazine later recorded the scouts
 ‘regretted the accident to Mr Tozer’s trap’, no further details were given but the
 scouts thanked Mr Tozer for waiving the cost of repairs!   Many  congratulations  to  Kim  and  Mike
 After  the  ceremony  the  scouts  enjoyed  ‘tea’  which  apparently  included  a   Benjafield  who  have  celebrated  their  Ruby
 massive  Christening  Cake  donated  by  Mrs  Soames,  B-P’s  mother-in-law.  Today   Wedding anniversary.  Kim and Mike both do
       an  incredible  amount  of  volunteering  in  the
 cakes still feature large in scouting activities!
       village with both Pop in Place and the monthly
 An extract from the local newspaper, The Southern Times published in Weymouth,   Salt and Pepper Lunch Club.
 on Thursday 31 July 1914 four days before the outbreak of war,  gives a flavour of
 the times as the nation braced itself for the inevitable conflict:   We send them both our good wishes.
 Bere Regis –display by the local detachment of the Red Cross Society
 Thursday (31  July) was a red letter day for the local Voluntary Aid Detachment

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