Page 33 - br-may-2020
P. 33

May 2020                              May 2020

 harvest,  assisted  the  fishing  industry,  spotted  and  reported  hostile  aircraft,
 checked  permits  in  restricted  areas,  coastal  observation,  despatch  riding,
 signalling, and even the erection of prefabricated huts for the military. They also
 took over the coast watch duties from the Coastguard Service who had mobilised
 as  Naval  Reserves.  Some  Sea  Scouts  helped  man  coastal  patrol  vessels.  Many
 thousands of former Scouts volunteered for service in the forces. 16 former Scouts
 won VC’s, including Boy Seaman Cornwall, who won a VC, aged 16, at the Battle
 of Jutland.
 At  the  outbreak  of  war,  Bertie  Jesty,  the  original  Scoutmaster,  volunteered  as  a
 Territorial in the Royal Field Artillery and was posted with his unit, the 3  (Wessex)
 Field Artillery Brigade to India, to relieve the Regular Army units there. The Brigade
 subsequently  served  in  Mesopotamia  and  Gallipoli.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that
 Bertie’s army number, 2570, is only a few digits apart from that of William Johnson,
 2589, the senior Patrol Leader in the Bere Regis Troop. Did they both enlist together
 at the same time as volunteers at Dorchester?
 The Troop continued for a short time probably organised, as many Scout Troops
 were at this time, by the young 15 or 16 year old Patrol Leaders in the absence of
 adult  leaders.  The  Troop  was  closed  down  sometime  in  1915  or  1916  for  the
 duration of the war.
 With the return of Bertie Jesty after the war, the Troop was reformed on 18  April
 1921  shortly  after  his  marriage  to  Dot  Kellaway  in  March.  In  1921  the  Parish
 Magazine  reported  that  a  newly  formed  Boy  Scout  Troop  met  in  the  Vicarage
 whilst  a  Girl’s  Club  met  in  there  on  a  different  evening;  the  article  records  that
 ‘both  clubs  fully  justified  their  existence  and  the  furniture is  still intact’–  make  of
 that what you will!                                Dorchester
 As you all know the Bere Regis Scout Group continues to thrive today, serving the   Framing
 community as it has done  for many years. Records of the intervening years are
 sparse  but  if  time  and  space  permit  we  hope  to  bring  you  further  highlights  in   Picture and framing service
 future editions of the Magazine. Any anecdotes, photos or stories relating to the   with a wide selection of
 history  of  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  would  be  welcome;  please  contact  Phil   mounts and frames.
 Ventham on 01929 471215
                                                  Open most days but best
                                                  call first before making a
                                                        special trip.

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   The Old School House
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   Tincleton DT2 8QR

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 advertising revenue!!

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