Page 24 - br-may-2020
P. 24

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

       BereConnect Emergency Loan Fund                                                     SOMETHING TO DO WITH LEFT OVER BEAN

       The BereConnect Emergency Loan Fund has been set up to allow any Bere Regis         PLANTS
       resident to obtain a loan to help cover essential living costs until other help comes
       through. In order to apply, you must:
                                                                                            Many  of  us  have  been  out  in  our
            Live within the parish of Bere Regis;
                                                                                            gardens  during  lockdown  than  we
            Be  unemployed,  or  formerly  self-employed,  but  with  no  work  due  to  the   have ever done before.  I am sure that
             pandemic;                                                                      those that want to  have now planted
                                                                                            their  runner  or  French  bean  seeds,
            Not  yet  be  in  receipt  of  any  money  from  the  government  coronavirus   mine  are  already  up  and  looking
             schemes;                                                                       good.
            Have  no  other  available  financial  resources  i.e.  be  in  demonstrable  and   Unfortunately  one  packet  of  seed
             immediate need.                                                                makes lots of plants that are surplus to
                                                                                            the  amount  of  bean  sticks  you  can
       Please  send  an  email  to  and  give  the  following      have in your gardens.  I had the good
                                                                                            fortune when I was a young mother to
       · Your name, address, contact details (including telephone number)                   work  on  the  land  in  the  Vale  of
                                                                                            Evesham.  One of the uses the growers
       · Your family circumstances                                                          there put to these surplus plants was to
                                                                                            make bean bushes out of them.
       · Your employment situation
                                                                                            In a spare plot of land they would plant the surplus and allow them to establish
       Your request will be dealt with in strictest confidence. If you meet the criteria, and
       as long as funds last, you will be given a loan. We will try to deal with requests as   themselves.  Before the bean plant got too big they would start pinching out the
       quickly as possible but please allow 48 hours for your application to be processed.   growing tips on the leading stems.  You need to check the plants regularly and
       As BACs transfer is the safest and quickest way to get money to you, you should      pinch  out  any  leading  growing  tips.    This  allows  the bean  plant  to  bush.   It  will
       have your bank details readily available. If BACs isn’t possible, we will try to deliver   need no sticks to climb up as you are not allowing it to climb.  The plant will flower
       cash to you.                                                                         and fruit as usual except generally speaking the beans will be curly rather than
       We are making loans, repayable only when you are in a position to do so, as we
       would like to be able to re-circulate the fund to help as many people as possible.   The growers used these beans in their own home and gave them to their workers
                                                                                            no  plants  were  wasted.    Beans  of  course  are  an  excellent  source  of  nitrogen
                                                                                            which they grow in their roots. After the season was over the growers would dig
       DIGITAL HOTLINE                                                                      the  roots  into  the  ground  providing  free  nitrogen  rich  soil  to  grow  more  crops
                                                                                            in.  As workers we were given the job of pinching out and tending the plants after
                                                                                            we had finished our daily work and we would see who could grow the bushiest
       If  there  is  anyone  out  there  who  has  been                                    and most productive plant, great fun.
       abruptly  forced  into  using  new  technology  to
       keep in touch and you are feeling out of your                                                                                                  Eileen Salisbury
       depth, help is at hand.
       The number to call is 01305 – 221000 and ask for
       the  digital  hotline.  It's  open  9  –  5,  Monday  to

       This  link  explains  more  about  it  [
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