Page 29 - br-feb-2021
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February 2021                        February 2021

 there competing to win the various categories, but as a whole they were there to   by  the  Army  and  wider  MOD,  for  at  least  15  years.  In  its  first  ten  years  the
 fulfil their own personal challenges. Could they beat  last year’s  time or like me,   programme  aims  to  create  90  new  local  jobs  and  add  £4  million  to  the  local
 could they hold on to what they got!   economy.
 The  short  walk  to  the  ferry   Dorset  Council  and  MoD  officers  would  be  more  than  happy  to  provide  a
 negotiated,  we  mingled  by  the      presentation to explain the project in more detail.  will arrange for a presentation
 quay  where  the  yellow  Brownsea   to  be  made  to  those  Parish  Councils  (and/or  other  organisations)  that  are
 Island  ferry  boat  was  tied  up   interested in this development.
 ready  to  take  us  across  to  the

 island.  Emile  and  I  decided  to  sit
 on  the  top  deck  for  the  ten   Dorset Council Local Plan
 minute  journey  where  we  could
 see craft large and small, sailing in   The local plan will form part of the development plan for the Dorset Council area
 and out of Poole Harbour- magic!   and  form  the  basis  for  planning  decisions. It  sets  out  the  strategic  approach  to
 It  was  in  1907  that  Lord  Robert   managing  development  and  helps  deliver  the  homes  and  employment
 Baden-Powell  came  and  set  up   opportunities that Dorset needs whilst protecting its environment.
 his  first  campsite  on  the  southern   It is  produced  through  an iterative  process involving  the  gathering  of  evidence
 side  of  the  island  which  was  the   and  public  consultation.  It  normally  takes  around  five  years  to  produce  and
 forerunner to the worldwide scout   adopt a local plan.
 and  guide  movement.  The
 National Trust, who now manage the island still run camping on the very site. There   The key milestones for the Dorset Council Local Plan are currently proposed as:
 is also a colony of red squirrels and deer inhabiting the place, a unique feature of
 a wonderful habitat.   Consultation ....................January - March 2021
       Publication ..................... Autumn 2021
 Having disembarked we waited a while before being asked to walk through to   Submission ....................... Spring 2022
 the Castle Gardens (now owned by the John Lewis Partnership). Time for a chat,
 talk about the day ahead and prepare for the race. I know I keep on saying so,   Examination .................. Summer 2022
 but there is a tremendous camaraderie amongst long distance swimmers that you   Adoption .......................... Spring 2023
 do  not  always  get  in  swimming.  A  tub  of  Vaseline  shared  here,  some  useful  tip
 about  navigating  the  island  imparted  there.  Yes  everyone  wanted  to  achieve
 their own personal goal but they were also keen to help others.   Prior  to  the  formation  of  Dorset  Council,  the  legacy  authorities  had  all
       commenced  reviews  of  their  adopted  local  plans.  The  evidence  that  was
 The  safety  briefing  given  by  Mike  Darkin  was  brief  but  comprehensive  and  he   informing these reviews, and the consultation that was undertaken on them, has
 seemed  very  keen  that  everyone   been used to assist in the production of the current Dorset Council local plan. It is
    swam  in  the  same  anticlockwise   important to note that the proposals in the plan as outlined, are in draft form and
 direction  around  the  island!  For  a   have been prepared for consultation so that we can seek feedback on what is
 mainly left sided breather this could   proposed. There will be opportunities as the plan progresses for the content to be
 not be better!   amended to respond to the issues raised.

 The briefing over, there was time to   Please find attached in the link below a summary of the Dorset Council local plan
 make  final  preparations  for  the   consultation  document.  This  document  gives  a  brief  summary  of  each  of  the
 race.  There  was  a  scurry  of  activity   sections of the local plan. The consultation started on 18 January and runs for 8
 as  swimmers  squeezed  themselves   weeks. There will also be a phone line that people can call to ask questions. This
 into  their  wetsuits  or  swimming   number will be available Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm. The dedicated phone line
 costumes,  hats  on,  goggles,  a  little   is 01305 252500
 Vaseline  to  prevent  chaffing,  we
 were ready.   h t t p s : / / m o d e r n g o v . d o r s e t c o u n c i l . g o v . u k / i e I s s u e D e t a i l s . a s p x ?

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