Page 28 - br-feb-2021
P. 28

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

       placed into another bag, tied securely and put aside for at least 72 hours before   We  were  then  invited  to  walk  along  the  pathway  and  deposit  our  clothes  and
       being put in your usual external household waste bin or authorised blue sack.      personal  belongings  in  our  swim  number  marked  bin  bag  over  the  wall  into  the
                                                                                          baggage area.
       Other kinds of household waste can be disposed of as normal. To dispose of any
       face coverings or PPE you or members of your household use when self- isolating,   On the beach, the order was then given to enter the water, all 283 of us, 269 in the
       you should, double bag them, store them for 72 hours before putting them in a      4.6 mile full distance and 14 in the half distance. But where was Emile? I scanned
       ‘black bag’ waste bin and under no circumstances put them in a recycling bin.      the  milling  throng  of  swimmers  for  his  green  hat  and  he  eventually  swam  over
       You may also wish to clean the handles on your bins before and after they have     towards me and we wished each other a last minute good luck for the race.
       been emptied.
                                                                                                                                    On  the  sound  of  the  klaxon  we
       Household recycling centres (HRCs, or ‘the tip’) will remain open for waste that                                             were  off,  arms  flailing,  legs  kicking
       cannot  be  collected  at  the  kerbside,  including  garden  waste.  We  encourage                                          furiously. I am told it is an amazing
       residents to continue to store waste at home, if you can and where possible, to                                              sight  but  it  is  even  more  of  an
       reduce pressures on these services. If you or anyone in your household is unwell,                                            experience in the water. With over
       has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 symptoms and/or self-isolating,                                               280  swimmers  trying  to  find  a  little
       you should not make a trip to a HRC.                                                                                         space  to  swim  in  at  the  start,  the
                                                                                                                                    answer is often to ease back a little

                                                                                                                                    and  maybe  swim  on  the  outer
       Covid Contact Tracing System                                                                                                 edge of the mass.

       Dorset  Council,  in  partnership  with  Public
       Health  England,  is  launching  a  locally
       supported  contact  tracing  system  for  the
       Dorset Council area. From Friday 8 January
       Dorset Council’s customer services team will                                       After  a  couple  of  hundred
       be working to help trace residents who have                                        metres  we  rounded  the  quay
       been  in  contact  with  someone  who  has                                         and made our way along by the
       tested positive for COVID-19.                                                      stone  wall  for  a  while.  We  then
                                                                                          turned left to be faced with the
       If the national NHS Test and Trace system is                                       long  expanse  of  the  island
       not  able  to  contact  a  local  resident  after                                  before  us.  Many  swimmers  tend
       two  days,  their  details  will be  passed  on  to                                to  follow  the  curvature  of  the
       the  council  to  help  find  additional  contact  details.  The  local  contact  tracing   island  consequently  swimming
       team will then try to get in touch with the resident by phone, text, or email over
                                                                                          into  all  the  inlets  and  in  my
       the following 72 hours.                                                            opinion swimming much further than they need whilst not catching the best of the
                                                                                          tide. I tend to take a line straight up the long stretch of the island and just inside the
                                                                                          safety cover.
       Battle Lab at Winfrith Innovation Centre
                                                                                          The sun was now beginning to peep through a shadowy sky casting shafts of light
       The new initiative will see the MOD invest £3.1 million into the Defence Innovation   on the turbulent water. The choppy sea was to ease in the later stages of the race
       Centre,  along  with  a  further  £2.6  million  from  Dorset  Council  &  Dorset  Local
       Enterprise Partnership. The Defence Innovation Centre will be built at the Dorset   but added to the challenge.
       Innovation  Park,  the  county’s  Enterprise  Zone.  The  construction  works  will  be   After a while I began to settle into a steady rhythm and enjoy my swim.  Around
       starting  on  site in  January 2021  and  aims  to  be  completed  in  the  Autumn.  The   halfway  up  the  island,  I  thought  I  had  spotted  Emile  swimming  beside  me  and
       Army BattleLab as the Innovation Centre is being termed will provide 1100m2 new    gave the swimmer a friendly tap on the head. He didn’t respond and I suddenly
       office  space  and  450m2  new  workshop  space  for  MOD  innovation,  and        realised that it wasn’t him. Silly old fool!
       associated conference and collaboration space. The Army BattleLab will feature
       an engineering workshop, as well as joint working and conference areas for use     Pottery Pier is the halfway point of the swim where the half distance swimmers finish

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