Page 31 - br-feb-2021
P. 31

February 2021                        February 2021

 far upstream I have no idea but it continued on swimming rather than flying, so
 that I could see it clearly and identify it. Yes, this area is a wonderful place to be
 in  to  observe  the  wildlife.  Not  only  birds  but  flowers  as  well,  including  the   Dorset Property Care
 snowdrops in the churchyard and the wild violets being in flower still in January in   Allan Slater
 our garden. Despite a week of mild frosts we still have roses in bud although all   Based in Briantspuddle
 the blooms that were in flower are now over. It has been a late autumn and early      Services
 winter the likes of which we have never seen before.,
               Building maintenance
 What  a year we have had in 2020, let us hope that 2021 is going to be kinder   
 once  we  have  got  on  top  of  this  horrible  virus.  How  we  miss  our  Sundays  at   General joinery
 church,  the  services  and  meeting  up  with  our  friends  and  having  coffee  and      Garden maintenance
 cakes and a natter afterwards.  We must continue our prayers for all who suffer      Garden landscaping
 from this horrible virus and for all those wonderful people who are taking care of
 the sick and are organising the after care and  trying their best to comfort those       Kitchens
 who have either lost their loved ones, suffered themselves from the illness and are      Man and digger hire
 generally at great inconvenience in their daily lives.
 On  a  more  cheerful  note  may  we  look  forward  to  another  very  kind  year  in   07973 158092
 respect to our weather  and our ability to meet together in our various groups of
 friends.  In  my  case  I  look  forward  to  our  Tuesday  coffee  mornings  in  the  Drax

 May God bless you  and all
 your  friends  and  relatives.

 Ted Cox
 P.S.  Just  a  question  I  was
 asked yesterday.
 What  does  a  hedgehog
 have  for  tea  with  his
 The answer:-
 Prickled onions!

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