Page 32 - br-feb-2021
P. 32

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

                                                                                                                                       the  river  Piddle,  is  aptly  named
                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                                                                  because    of   these   huge
                                                                                                                                       ‘puddles’.  This  of  course  is  the
                                                                                                                                       case  of  current  period  only
        BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                                                                      because  previously  the  hamlet
                                                                                                                                       was in fact called Turners Piddle.
       Chairman:         Ian Ventham      471480                                                                This  was  changed  to  Turners
                                                                                                                                       P u d d l e    t o g e t h e r    w i t h
                                                                                                                                       P i d d l e t o w n    , T o l p i d d l e ,
       Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969                                                   Affpiddle  ,  and  Briantspiddle,
                                                                                                                                       which   were   changed    to
                                                                                                                                       P u d d l e t o w n ,   To l p u d d l e ,
       Parish Clerk:     Amanda           01935                                                                Affpuddle  and  Briantspuddle.
                         Crocker          83454
                                                                                            Why? Because Queen Victoria as a young girl was to visit this part of Dorset and it
                                                                                            was thought that the word piddle was not a suitable name for her to be met with.
        Websites:                                   The  word  piddle  was  in  fact  used  in  old  Dorset  terms  for  the  water  that  was
                                                                 escaping from a swampy area, hence the River Piddle. Why the river’s name was
                                                                                            not  changed  is  not  known,  although  it  is  also  called  the  River  Trent  but  why  or
                                                                                            when this is so, I can’t find out.
        The  Parish  Council  met  remotely  via  Zoom  on  Thursday  14   January  2021  with
        three members of the public present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 11        Another  interesting  fact  is  that  the  farm  which  encompasses  Turnerspuddle  is
        February 2021, again remotely. If you wish to join the meeting, or wish to send in a   known as Tonerspuddle Farm. This is because Oliver Cromwell gifted the land here
        question to be read out, please contact the clerk beforehand.                       to a man who was obviously a Frenchman or of a French family called De Tonner,
                                                                                            in  the 16  century.  The  present  owners,  the  Debenham  family  not  only  call  the

                                                                                            farm Tonerspuddle but refer to the hamlet by the same name.
        Matters Raised by Members of the Public
                                                                                            Another  version  of  the  name,  apparently  comes  from  an  earlier  time,  namely
        A  member  of  the  parish  raised  the  matter  of  the  increase  in  the  precept  (the   during the reign of Henry I, in the 11 or 12 .century when the land was given to a
        Parish’s  element  of  Council  Tax),  notice  of  which  had  been  published  in  the   Henry Toner by the king. I am afraid I don’t know anyone old enough to tell me
        December  Parish  Magazine  and  on  the  Village                                   which one is correct.
        Facebook page. He had two issues. Firstly, the full
        budget had not been put on the Council Website                                      Despite  the  Piddle  being  only  a
        with  the  minutes  of  the  November  minutes,  and                                small  river,  two  years  ago  I  was
        secondly, he expressed the view that the proposed                                   walking  back  from  Throop  to
        rise at this time was excessive.                                                    Turners  Puddle  and  as  usual  I
                                                                                            stopped  on  the  bridge  over  the
        The  Chairman  apologised  for  the  omission  of  the                              river  to  see  what  was  about.
        budget  paper  from  the  minutes  due  to  an                                      Suddenly  from  the  south  a  large
        oversight. The budget papers are now available on                                   bird  flew  upstream  and  under  the
        the website and the explanation for the individual                                  bridge  on  which  I  was  standing.  It
        expense increases can be found in the November                                      was big enough to have to close it
        2020 minutes, also available on the website.                                        wings  to  manoeuvre  through  the
                                                                                            bridges  under  structure.  It  made  a
        On the matter of the rise, the Chairman explained                                   considerable noise with its flying manoeuvres and for such a large bird had me
        that  much  additional  work  that  previously  would                               almost mesmerised.  I didn’t have a great chance to see it clearly but I am sure
        have been done by Dorset Council was now falling                                    after looking it up that it was a cormorant. Why a bird of this size had made it so
        to  parishes  or  would  not  be  done  at  all.  For

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