Page 25 - br-feb-2021
P. 25

February 2021                        February 2021
         For  more  details  about  the  vaccine  rollout,  please  do  see  my  website,  where
 POETRY CORNER   there is a dedicated page that is updated regularly. There are also links to the
       Primary Care Trusts, and FAQs about the vaccine.

                                               On an entirely different subject, the
 Ripples on a pool
 Then everyone would know what I               Dorset  Local  Plan  is  in  its
                                               consultation  stage.  This  plan
 All my thoughts seem to turn into             addresses the housing needs across
 words   All the happiness I’d like to impart   Dorset  and  sets  out  strategically
 And my words all change into song   Everyone would hear the music that I   where  development  could  be
 But only I hear the melody   hear             permitted.  A  plan  is  essential  to
 Though the music lingers so long.   Everyone would hear the music in my   avoid planning by appeal.
       It includes details of where houses might be built in our area, and the council are
       asking  for  your  views.  You  can  find  details  and  links  to  the  consultation  on  the
 If my songs could all go round the
 world   All my songs are going round inside   Dorset  website  here
       planning-policy/dorset-council-local-plan.aspx . It’s really important that residents
 Travelling like the ripples on a pool   There’s harmony warm as the sun   take the time to do this, and have their say.
 Made by someone just throwing a   If only all the world could share it
 stone   Love and music for everyone.   The consultation ends on the 15  March, and all submissions must be before that
       date. There are more details about this on my website.
 Wide circles in the water so cool.
 Eileen Richardson     Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  help  or  support.  You  can  contact  me  via  email  or  call  my  office  on  01202  624216.  I  send
       out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website
 I want to tell the world  where  you  can  also  find  links  to  the  latest
 I want to sing a song for everybody
       coronavirus  advice.  Follow  me  on  twitter  @michael4MDNP  or  find  me  on
 I want to shake everyone by the hand
 I want to shout out loud to everybody   facebook
 I want to tell the world to start living
 I want to tell them be happy and gay
 I want to tell them that living is grand.
 I want to tell the world to start living

 On this such a wonderful day.
 Eileen Richardson

 I want to smile a smile for everybody
 I want to tell them living is fine
 I want to say just how happy I feel   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
 That everyone’s a friend of mine.
          Michael Tomlinson MP     
 I want to say hello and greet   holds regular surgeries
 everyone that I meet   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 I’m so full of good cheer   details of forthcoming
 I want to tell everyone that living is   surgeries or to make an   
 fun      appointment, please           @Michael4MDNP
 And to anyone happy I’ll say ‘Hear   contact his office.

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