Page 24 - br-feb-2021
P. 24

February 2021                                                                       February 2021
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                               Tinkle

        MP update – Vaccines & the Dorset                                                  There is nothing like a sleepover,    However, when little boys have a
        Local Plan                                                                         For creating moments of pleasure,
                                                                                           And building memories, which          It does not always go where it should.
        Great progress is being made in rolling the vaccine                                hopefully,
        out  across  the  UK.  At  the  time  of  writing,  2.6                                                                  There’s a lot to consider for a little
        million people have had at least their first dose, and                             One day, grandchildren will treasure,
        the number is increasing daily.                                                    But, by way of a word of caution,     man,
                                                                                                                                 With stuff going on in his head,
                                                                                           It needs to be understood,
        In  Dorset  there  are  two  main  ways  in  which  the                                                                  As he finds himself answering nature’s
        vaccine  is  being  organised.  Most  people  will  be                             That when little boys have a tinkle,
        vaccinated  through  their  Primary  Care  Network  –                              It does not always go where it should.   call,
         invited by their local GP.                                                                                              When he just wants to get back in bed.

                                                                                                                                 A spill kit could be the answer,
                                                Vaccinations  are  taking  place  in       There is no sinister intention.
                                                a  variety  of  venues,  depending         They give it their best shot,         To avert an impending flood,
                                                on which GP you use. If you live in                                              Because, when little boys have a
                                                Purbeck  –  Wareham,  Sandford  &          But, when caught short in the early   tinkle,
                                                Bere  Regis,  you  will  be  invited  to   hours,                                It does not always go where it should.
                                                the  Wareham  hospital.  If  you  are      They don’t always hit the spot.
                                                part  of  The  Adam  Practice  –           It is not that easy, when bleary eyed,
                                                  including  Lytchett  Matravers,          And they’d do better if they could,      Paul J Openshaw (December 2020)
                                                Lytchett Minster &  Upton, you will
                                                be  invited  to  Poole  Port.  I’m
                                                delighted  that  the  Hamworthy
                                                Club  are  able  to  host  the             Articulating Bus
                                                vaccinations    for   residents                                                  Not wanting to make a fuss,
                                                from  Broadstone,  Merley,  Corfe          It all seemed a bit weird to me,      Or disturb the flow of words,
                                                M u l l e n    &    C a n f o r d
        Heath. Bearwood residents may be asked to go The Talbot Medical Centre, and        And I was not too well versed,        From the articulating bus.
        people living in Wimborne and Colehill will be asked to the St Leonards hospital   So, when I launched into conversation,
        site. In addition to these there will be more sites in due course as part of the roll-  Nothing had been rehearsed,      The more I know, I know, I know
        out of local vaccination services.                                                 But, with time to chew the fat,       nothing,
        The Primary Care Trusts have chosen their sites for vaccinations to ensure that as   And a great deal to discuss,        So I did not have much to say.
        many people as possible can be vaccinated quickly, whilst still keeping people     I whiled away an hour,                All too soon the moments passed,
        safe  and  maintaining  social  distancing.  There  are  hundreds  of  volunteers  who   With an articulating bus.       And I went on my way,
        are helping with jobs like marshalling and driving people to the sites, and I would
        like to thank all of those - both paid and volunteers - who are working incredibly                                       Having slipped my clutch a bit.
        hard to make this possible.                                                        It told me of its travels, and        If you can do that, it’s a plus,
        It’s really important to remember that there is a priority list for those who will be   The things, which it had seen,   As there are words of wisdom to be
        vaccinated  first,  and  that  your  GP  will  contact  you.  You  do  not  need  to  call   And the way it bent in the middle,   gleaned,
        them.  In addition, the vaccine is free. Anyone offering it in exchange for money,   On the journeys, which it had been.   From an articulating bus.
        or asking for bank details could be breaking the law.
                                                                                           I sat on the edge of my seat,
                                                                                                                                       Paul J Openshaw (January 2021)

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