Page 26 - br-feb-2021
P. 26

February 2021                                                                       February 2021
                                                                                           for the prize giving where it was announced that over £5,000 had been raised for
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                 charity, another by-product of a great day.

                                                                                           As I stepped off the ferry on my return trip from the island, another fellow swimmer
       NHS and care workers                                                                stepped in front of me. “It’s Bob isn’t it? I’m Scott Rodger and we met when we
                                                                                           swam Burgh Island together three years ago”. I had told Scott what a wonderful
       NHS  and  care  workers  can  use  any                                              swim Brownsea was and he must swim it one day and here he was!
       Dorset  Council-operated  car  park  free
       of  charge,  provided  they  are  on  duty                                          Following this, his wife had given him a year’s subscription to the Swimming Times
       and displaying a relevant permit, or they                                           for his birthday and he seemed very pleased to read that he was mentioned in my
       have  registered  with  Dorset  Council.                                            Burgh Island report. It was good to hear that in a very small way, I was helping the
       There will also be no charge to park for                                            circulation figures of this magazine.
       volunteers  and  people  getting
       vaccination.                                                                        When I look back, this had been another fabulous day spent in good company in
                                                                                           a  truly  magnificent  location.  Mark  Shakles  and  his  team  should  be  so  proud  to
                                                                                           have organised such a fantastic event. I shall certainly be back again next year.

       Letter to Health Secretary                                                          What did I say!
       We  have  sent  a  letter  to  the  Health  Secretary  on  4th  January  asking  that  all                                                       Bob Holman
       teachers, support staff and administration staff in schools be prioritised for Covid 19
       vaccinations to help the country get children back into schools.

       Thank you Letter from MHCLG
                                                                                                                         G P Lewis
       We  have  recently  received  a  handwritten  letter  from  the  Secretary  of  State  for
       Housing  Communities  and  local  Government  (MHCLG),  which  amongst  other          Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator
       things  thanks  us  for  our  service  to  local  communities  during  this  last  challenging
                                                                                             All aspects of painting and

                                  Executive Director of People – Children                    decorating undertaken including
                                  at Dorset Council                                          Domestic, New builds, Refurbs

                                  Theresa  Leavy  has  been  appointed  to  this  critical   and Commercial.
                                  position for which she has been covering for on an         Qualified and with over 30 years
                                  interim  basis  since  January  this  year.  Following  a
                                  robust recruitment process, she has been appointed         experience, will offer friendly
                                  to  the  role  permanently.  She  is  responsible  for  all   advice if needed.
                                  statutory  services  for  children  and  young  people  –       1st class finish
                                  including safeguarding and social care, education                                                If you require a job done hassle free
                                  and  early  help,  as  well  as  working  with  other          Free written quotes                by an honest, friendly tradesman
                                  partners  to  champion  the  interests  of  children  and                                             please give Gavin a call on
                                  young people across Dorset. She is responsible for all         Fully insured                      01929 471704 or 07977
                                  statutory  services  for  children  and  young  people  –      No job too small or big                  047314, Email:
                                  including safeguarding and social care, education                                          

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