Page 34 - br-feb-2021
P. 34

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

       received one of the 126 hampers made up and distributed by volunteers before
       Christmas. Our thanks are extended to all those who helped with this.

       Parish Forum
       Clearly  it  is  too  early  to  be  setting  dates  for  post-pandemic  activities,  but  we
       noted that an early event should be a Parish Forum, to enable us to recognise the
       extraordinary efforts of our army of volunteers who will be awarded Certificates of
       Appreciation.  So  far,  forty  have  been  nominated.  We  are  delighted  to  add  to
       that list Bob and Denise Croom, who have been nominated by Sandra Williams for
       their  valiant  efforts  in  maintaining  and  tidying  the  Churchyard,  and  Mrs  Penny
       Daly-Maynard,  nominated  by  her  grateful  neighbours  for  shopping  for  them
       throughout the pandemic. Watch this space, the Parish Council website, notice
       boards  and  Facebook  for  further  information  as  soon  as  we  are  able  to  move
       things forward.
                                                                Bryan Benjafield

       THANK YOU

       John and Wendy Scott would like to say a huge thank you to all those who were
       responsible for creating the lovely hamper which they received before Christmas.      Paul Martin      07788 185048
       This was a truly welcome gift and they were both very appreciative.                                    01929 289323
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