Page 27 - br-feb-2021
P. 27

February 2021                        February 2021

 though  some  decided  to  carry  on  to  complete  the  full  distance.  It  is  the  point   and early help, as well as working with other partners to champion the interests of
 where  you  start  your  turn  to  swim  down  the  southern  side  of  the  island.  Here  it   children and young people across Dorset.
 becomes very shallow and I found myself easing out into slightly deeper water.
       Theresa  started  her  career  as  a  social  worker  and  over  the  past  25  years  has
 Then it happened as it always does. The old bones and muscles began to ache as   managed  and  led  a  range  of  children’s  services  authorities  across  the  country,
 I hung on in there. The usual thoughts began to race through my head “I am never   and  was  previously  the  transformation  lead  for  Wiltshire  Council  and.  Peter  and
 going to do this again. Not ever!” Trouble is that with a year to forget the pain I put   Laura have worked closely with Theresa over the last year and we are delighted
 myself through, I always forget and I am determined to have another go!   that  we  now  have  an  individual  in  this key  post  who  we  feel certain  will  do  an
       excellent job but also she will bring certainty and stability to an area that has been
 Keep going, just keep turning those weary arms over and you will get there I tell   under intense pressure all through the pandemic.
 myself, time and time again. By this time, younger fitter swimmers were beginning

 to overtake me but for the most part, I was holding my own.
       Traffic Management during the Summer period
       Following  the  disturbing  events  of  the  summer  at  Durdle  Door  -  a  Dorset  wide
       committee was set up led by the Police and it included representatives of Dorset
       Council Highways, Dorset Council Rights of Way, Dorset Council Communications,
       The Lulworth Estate and Dorset Councillors Wharf and Miller respectively.
       The purpose was to review the actions of the summer and to try to develop and
       coordinate plans to address some of the problems experienced over the summer.
       Obviously, this will require a Dorset wide solution as there may well be a need to
       take actions well outside of the immediately affected areas. The directly affected
       Parish Councils (Wool, East Lulworth, West Lulworth, and Winfrith) have been sent
       the  draft  proposals  for  their  comments,  particularly  how  they  view  their  own
 The large yellow finish flags and buoys emerged out of the background and the   involvement in these  plans as a communications channel for their communities.
 castle loomed ever closer. I was almost there now, just a little way to go...   They are also attending the next review meeting.

 I  had  completed  the  course  in  one  hour  55  minutes  20  seconds.  My  Brownsea   When these comments have been received the plan will be further refined which I
 medal was place over my head after I had swam through the finish funnel. The   hope will be consulted on again before being published. Other Parishes have also
 finish  marshals were fantastic making everyone feel so special as they emerged   been  sent  a  copy  of  the  plan  and  their  comments  will  also  be  included  in  the
 from the water.  My swim had gone well and I claimed 125  spot though I thought   review process. We will be having further multi-agency meetings and we will issue
 I could have done better with a little more preparation. Still for me it was a triumph   any final plan before the summer.
 to be there still doing the thing I love.
 All  the  swimmers  had  come  through  their  personal  challenge  with  Guy  Giles   What to do with your waste if you or someone in your
 leading  the  field in  a  staggering  time  of 1 hour  14  minutes  38  seconds.  Hannah   household has Covid 19 symptoms
 Tuck from the National Trust brought up the rear with a time of 3 hours 23 minutes
 28 seconds for perhaps the biggest cheer of the day.   Dorset Council is reminding residents
       what  to  do  with  their  waste  if
 As  I  lay  on  the  beach  changing  back  into  shorts  and  t-shirt  a  friendly  fellow   someone  in  their  household  is
 swimmer engaged me in conversation. After about five minutes it became clear   showing  symptoms  of  COVID-19
 that  he  wanted  to  ask  me  something  and  eventually  plucked  up  the  courage.   infection.  Cleaning  cloths  and
 “Excuse me asking, but how old are you?” I felt like saying 24 but that I’ve worn   personal  waste  such  as  used  tissues
 badly but eventually meekly admitted to being 70 at the end of the year and as   and  disposable  face  coverings
 with last year, the oldest swimmer in the race.    should  be  stored  in  disposable
       rubbish bags.  These  bags should be
 There was time for my soup/roll and to collect my Brownsea t-shirt before heading

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