Page 30 - br-feb-2021
P. 30

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

       Stay at home postcards                                                              ROUND BROWNSEA ISLAND SWIM
       Circa  187,000  postcards  will  be  despatched  to  all  Dorset  Council  people
       reminding them of the rules during lockdown and giving detail of where to seek      The drive into Poole under a grey muggy sky had
       help; this will hopefully have been completed by the time this article first appears.
                                                                                           been uneventful enough. The odd flurry of drizzle
                                                                                           had settled on the windscreen but I could see in
                                                                                           the  distance  some  encouraging  signs  of  lighter
                                                                                           patches in the distant sky.
       We  are  not  holding  face  to  face  meetings  until  we  are  clear  to  do  so  under    The  Round  Brownsea  Island  race  certainly
       government guidelines. However, we would be more than delighted to talk to you      attracts  a  broad  mix  of  people  from  all  walks  of
       on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email us with the subject matter so
       that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s email address is      life,  doctors,  builders,  teachers,  shop  workers,
       telephone  07986  600799  and  Laura’s  is    administrators  they  all  come  with  their  common
       telephone 07814 569563.                                                             love  of  open  water  swimming  and  the  freedom
                                                                                           and joy of swimming in the sea.
       Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
                                                                                           My  friend  Mark  Shakles  has  been  running  the
                                                                                           event since he started it over 20 years ago and it
                                                                                           has  grown  fantastically  in  popularity.  I  can  well
                                                                                           remember  in  the  early  days  turning  up  with
                                                                                           around 25 other mostly non-wetsuited swimmers. This year, Mark went live on the
                                                                                           RLSS Poole website in February and within two hours had filled his 280 entry limit
                                                                                           and had a hundred on the waiting list. Amazing!
                                                                                           My  great  swim  friend  Emile  and I  arrived  at  the  big car  park  at  Sandbanks just
                                                                                           after  7  am.  for  registration.  By  then  the  cheerfully  efficient  volunteers  were
                                                                                           registering and the handing out of the swimmers packs. The system appeared to
                                                                                           be running like clockwork..  However, I know from long experience that a lot of
                                                                                           planning and effort goes into this smooth operation. The team had an hour and a
                                                                                           half to register all 283 swimmers before the first ferry set sail for the island at 8 am.
                                                                                           In total, Mark had over a hundred volunteers on the day registering, marshalling
                                                                                           and providing the safety cover out on the water. He and his committee organises
                                                                                           assistance from all the life saving clubs in the area. It is a massive operation and
                                                                                           he actually takes two weeks leave from work to manage it.
                                                                                           After a very mild winter, the sea temperature had held up pretty well through a
                                                                                           warm spring and early summer and was now a positively balmy 17C.
                                                                                           We picked up our packs including a swim hat, number to be attached to the hat,
                                                                                           lanyard, swim wristband and a large bin liner to deposit our clothes and valuables
                                                                                           and we set off on our 15 minute walk to the ferry. There was a record number of
                                                                                           swimmers  from  my  own  East  Dorset  Open  Water  Swimming  Club  and  also  a
                                                                                           number of our members helping on the day.

                                                                                           Open  water  swimmers  are  a  friendly  bunch  and  very supportive  of  each  other
                                                                                           and jovial banter was in full flow.   Yes, they all wish  to do well and some were

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