Page 22 - br-feb-2021
P. 22

February 2021                                                                       February 2021
       experiencing.  It is said that all of us have a ‘God shaped hole’  in our lives, and   Bere Regis Food Bank
       only He can fill it.  John’s Gospel chapter 7, verses 37-39,  says: “Jesus stood and
       said in a loud voice, ‘If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink.  Whoever   Thank  you  so  much  for  all  the  food  donations  we  really  appreciate  them,
       believes  in  Me,  as  the  Scripture  has  said,  streams  of  living  water  will  flow  from   currently  we  are  not  taking  in  donations  but  spending  the  cash  that  was  also
       within him.’ By this He meant the Holy Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were   donated  to the Food Bank to buy food.
       later to receive.”
                                                                                           When we need help again I will make sure that I post it on the Village Face book
       What does it mean to ‘believe in Jesus’.   Another verse in the Bible says “If you   Page and put it in this magazine.
       confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’  (that is, you want Jesus to take charge of
       your life and make it new), and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the   We  continue  to  run  the  Food  Bank  for  all  who  are  struggling  in  this  crisis  email
       dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe, and are made or telephone 01929 472023 for a delivery.
       right  with  God,  and  it  is  with  your  mouth  that  you  confess  and  are  saved.”
       Romans 10:9-10.
                                                                                           Thank you to our wonderful Knitters
       If you want to know that living water                                               Again  this  week  we  have  handed  over  another  large  bag  of  knitted  items  to
       that Jesus gives in  your life, why not                                             Blandford  Cares  who  support  Refugees,  thanks  to  Mary  for  her  help  with
       ask  Him  to  be  your  Lord,  to  take                                             transporting these across to their store after lockdown.
       charge of your life and make it new.
       Ask  Him  to  forgive  you  for  all  the
       times  you  have  ignored  Him  and                                                 And finally Our sincere thanks to the Editor  :-
       done  your  own  thing.    Thank  Him
       that He died for you and rose again                                                 The Pop In Place would like to say a big thank you to Alison Debenham our Parish
       from  the  dead.    Ask  Him  to  fill  you                                         Magazine  editor,  who  like  us  has  also  been  carrying  out  her  community
       with  His  Holy  Spirit  so  that  you  will                                        volunteering role for 25 years.
       know His ‘living water’ in your life.
                                                                                           We have seen the Magazine grow from quite a modest little village mag into a
       If you pray this prayer, do let us  know, so that we can give you some literature to   brilliant publication packed with many pages of information and Advertisements.
       help you in your new life with Jesus.
                                                                                           All of this is down to the commitment and dedication of the Editor.

                                                                                           The Parish Magazine, even in this age of technology is still a vital part of village life
       Just a Smile                                                                        keeping us all connected and it is undoubtedly a truly wonderful communication
                                                                                           source for so many.
       A  little  boy  opened  the  big  old  family  Bible  with  fascination,  looking  at  the  old
       pages as he turned them.  Then something fell out of the Bible and he picked it up                                                             Alison Bennett
       and looked at it closely.  It was an old leaf that had been pressed between the
       pages.  “Mum, look what I’ve found” the boy called out.  “What have you got
       there?”  his  mother  asked.    With  astonishment  in  the  young  boy’s  voice  he   What really kind words Alison, thank you for the compliments  -  they're much
       answered,  “It’s Adam’s suit!”                                                      appreciated.  Ed.

       I over heard a customer ask the assistant, “Do you have any invisible thread?”  I
       was  delighted  when  the  assistant  answered,  “I  haven’t  seen  any,”  and  then
       added as an afterthought, “What does it look like?”
                                                       Joyce Healey, 07535964909

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