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August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                  MILBORNE MOVIES

       Dorset Local Plan – 6 Month                                                         Friday  10th  September  at  7.30pm,  at  the
       delay                                                                               Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St
                                                                                           Andrew DT11 0JX.
       As a result of an overwhelming response
       to  the  consultation  on  the  local  Plan,                                        Doors and bar open 7.00
       with  a  wide  range  of  opinions  offered,                                        Tickets cost £5, which includes a drink or an
       we have decided to delay the process                                                icecream (Contactless payment preferred)
       by  six  months  whilst  we  carefully
       evaluate  all  of  the  responses  and
       incorporate  any  changes.  A  revised
       overall  workplan  has  been  agreed                                                A Beautiful Day In The
       which sets the publication of the revised                                           Neighborhood
       document for spring 2022.
                                                                                           When I saw a trailer for this film, I knew immediately that I wanted it for our first film.
       The  plan,  which  will  run  to  hundreds  of  pages,  will  again  go  out  for  public   It is set in 1990s Pittsburgh and stars Matthew Rhys and Tom Hanks, who plays a
       consultation, seeking views on any changes which may be proposed as a result of     good  person  beautifully  (not  an  easy  thing  to  do!)  Here  is  what  one  (British)
       the  first  public  consultation.  The  plan  seeks  to  shape  the  way  the  county  will   reviewer wrote:
       develop in the future – with a focus on further housing and the creation of jobs.
                                                                                           ‘When a movie has you blurry eyed by the end but also leaving feeling warm and

                                                                                                                                  satisfied,  you  know  it  has  been
       Purbeck Local Plan Review                                                                                                  crafted  into  something  unique
                                                                                                                                  between  being  moving  and
       Recently  the  government’s  Planning  Inspector  suggested  that  we  abandon  the                                        heartbreaking.  ...  Every  shot  feels
       Purbeck local Plan and incorporate it into the forthcoming Dorset Local Plan. This                                         special  and  important  and  every
       would jettison years of work and would (in our opinion) lead to even more housing                                          performance is sincere. Marielle Heller
       being put forward in Purbeck. Officers have rebutted this in the strongest terms. So,                                      is  a  powerhouse  director,  an  expert
       we continue to argue that the Purbeck Local Plan should be put into the emerging             Advertise                     at quiet moments in film and we are
       Dorset Local Plan – as unchanged as possible.                                                    Here                      lucky  to  have  someone  create  such
                                                                                                                                  incredible  art.  You  will  be  hard
       Current Budget Summary for Dorset Council                                                                                  pressed  to  find  a  movie  that  fills  you
                                                                                                   for only £98                   with  more  warmth  than  A  Beautiful
       2020/21 was an extremely challenging year financially with Covid 19 impacting on                                           Day  in  the  Neighbourhood  and  I
       income,  expenditure,  and  in  particular  the  revenue  we  receive  from  particular          a year.                   suspect it will become a firm favourite
       sources including car parking and Council tax.                                                                             for those gloomy, rainy days.’
                                                                                                    The very best
       Financial support from Government has been gratefully received, but has not fully
       covered  the  financial  consequences  of  Covid.  The  Council  has  reprofiled  its        form of local
       remaining reserves to prepare for any further financial and economic shocks. The              advertising.
       medium term is of concern, as the service and financial consequences of COVID
       will be felt for years to come - such as the increase in demand for Children’s social
       care, and the downturn in business rate collection.

       During  the  pandemic  the  Government  has  provided  unprecedented  levels  of
       support for Dorset’s economy. Dorset Council has passed on grants and  support

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