Page 12 - br-aug-2021
P. 12

August 2021                                                                          August 2021
                                                                                            BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – OUR
        Many people have asked me about my work as a                                        VILLAGE SHOP
        whip   in   the   Chamber   of   the   House   of
        Commons.  One of my jobs is to undertake the role
        of  “Teller”.  Tellers  are  the  people  who  count  the                           The village shop continues to provide a wide range of
        votes when a vote (a “division”) is called. Two MPs                                 great  value  fresh  fruit  and  vegetables,  meat  and
        are  chosen  from  each  side  to  be  tellers,  with  one                          bread.  We  are  happy  to  take  orders  for  regular
        from each side in each division lobby to ensure an                                  requirements  or  one-off  items.  Fruit,  Veg  and  Meat
        accurate count. The Speaker announces the names                                     arrive on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s. We have fresh
        of  the  tellers  at  the  beginning  of  the  vote,  shortly                       bread  on  Monday’s  Wednesday’s  Thursday’s  and
        after  the  exit  doors  to  the  lobbies  are  closed.  The                        Saturday’s.
                                                                                            Newspapers and magazines do need to be ordered in
                                                         tellers’  votes  are  not          advance, but can be stopped for holidays/weekends
                                                         included  in  the  count
                                                         for   or   against   the           away. We’re happy to accept vouchers for the papers.
                                                         motion,    but    are              We have a wide range of cards from local artists.
                                                         recorded on the side of
                                                         the   vote   that   they           We’re open 9 till 12 Monday to Saturday and 10 till 12 on Sunday’s.
                                                         agree with.                        Please come and do your shopping!
                                                         If no one is willing to be         Whilst legal restrictions are being relaxed we have decided at least through out
                                                         a  teller,  then  the  vote        the summer that we will continue to allow just one customer in the shop at a time
                                                         automatically  goes  to            and with the help of the village hall we are maintaining the one way system. We
                                                         the  other  side.    It  is        will  keep  the  screen  up  in  the  shop  and  whilst  we  encourage  the  wearing  of
                                                         surprising,  but  this  does       masks we’re not enforcing them.
                                                         happen  from  time  to
        time - perhaps most often when a vote is called unexpectedly.  The division bell
        sounds across the Palace of Westminster, and MPs have eight minutes to get into     Volunteers required
        the  division  lobby  before  Mr  Speaker  calls,  “Lock  the  doors!”    If  you  are  late,
        even  by  a  few  seconds,  the  door  will  be  locked  against  you  and  you  cannot   You might also be interested in getting involved as a volunteer!
        vote.  After the MPs have been counted out of each division lobby, the Tellers
        return to the House floor to announce the result to the Speaker,  and if you ever                                                 Could  you  spare  just  a  few
        watch  Parliament  TV  (  you  can  see  this                                                       hours a week or a fortnight.
        process  happening.  In  “normal”  times,  the  4  tellers  all  walk  into  the  chamber,                                        We  would  really  welcome
        with the “winning” side standing on the Speaker’s left.  This is why the MPs can                                                  some more help in the shop,
        know  the  result  of  a  vote  before  the  actual  announcement  of  the  voting                                                particularly   over   the
        numbers. For especially close votes, you can sometimes hear a roar in the House                                                   summer  months.    You  need
        when  the  tellers  take  their  places  for  the  announcement  –  indicating  the                                               to be at the shop by 8.45am
        result.  For covid-related reasons, currently only one teller announces the result,                                               to help prepare the shop for
        so we have not seen this for a while. Since the 2019 election, I have been a teller                                               opening and you should be
        50 times, out of 297 votes.                                                                                                       away  by  12.15pm.  You  will
                                                                                                                                          have training and support in
        As a whip I have been in the Chamber of the House of Commons almost every                                                         the  use  of the  till  and stock
        day that the House has sat throughout the pandemic.  You may have seen that                                                       system. It is a very good way
                                                                                                                                          of getting to know others in

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