Page 16 - br-aug-2021
P. 16

August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       conducted by Natural England (NE) who are the responsible body for evaluating        BERE REGIS WI
       and  producing  an  outline  plan  for  implementation.  The  four  areas  are  below.
       Dorset, which was one of the areas considered, has not been selected. This does
       not mean it will not ever happen but in my opinion, it won’t be considered until
       these four have run their course which is likely to be between 10 and 20 years.      At time of writing, we’ve still to have our first full
                                                                                            meeting  after  lockdown  –  a  ‘Welcome  back’
            Yorkshire Wolds AONB                                                           social evening open to both members and non-
                                                                                            members.   So, in  lieu  of  being able  to  give you
            Cheshire Sandstone Ridge AONB                                                  an  update  on  that,  I  asked  Google  to  “tell  me
            An extension to the Surrey Hills AONB                                          something  interesting  about  the  WI”.    The  top
                                                                                            result was “5 Facts About the History of the Women’s Institute”, published on the
            An extension to the Chilterns AONB                                             HistoryExtra website (the official website for BBC History Magazine and BBC History
                                                                                            Revealed)  in  advance  of  the  Lucy  Worsley  BBC  Two  programme  last  year

                                                                                            celebrating  the  centenary  of  the  Women’s  Institute  in  Britain  by  delving  into  its
       Lobbying our MPs                                                                     surprisingly radical history:
       We  meet  our  Dorset  Council  MPs  once  a  fortnight  and  use  these  meetings  to
       lobby for issues relevant to Dorset. Where appropriate we agree that one of our                                   1) Britain’s second female MP was a WI member
       five MPs will act as a single focal point and work on behalf of all our MPs with a
       common set of agreed goals. The first area for this is IT and we persuaded Chris                                  Mrs  Margaret  Winteringham  was  a  member  of
       Loder to act as a focal point to Westminster for our digital issues, this directly led                            the  WI  and  the  honorary  secretary  in  Lindsey,
       to  the  recent  Ministerial  visit  described  in  the  next  item.  Additionally  Laura                         Lincolnshire. In 1921 she became the first English
       coordinated the production of a briefing for MPs on Social Care Reform (next but                                  -born  woman  to  be  elected  as  a  member  of
       one item).                                                                                                        parliament, and was the second female to be
                                                                                                                         elected  to  parliament.  As  a  result  of  her

                                                                                                                         success,  Mrs  Winteringham  became  known
       Meeting with the Digital Minister Matt Warman                                                                     among members of the WI as ‘Our Institute MP’.
       On Wednesday7th July I hosted a visit by Matt Warman MP to the 5G RuralDorset
       project. The day began at Dorset Innovation Park at Winfrith where the Minister                                   2)  WI  members  supported  Tommies  during  the
       was  given  a  demo  of  a  fully  connected  emergency  response  vehicle,  which                                First World War
       included drone footage transmitted over the 5G network from Lulworth.
                                                                                                                         The  WI  in  Britain  was  first  set  up  in  1915  to
       He  then  toured  the  Ministry  of  Defence’s  new  Battle  Lab  workshop.  This  new                            encourage   women    to   grow   their   own
       facility  houses  a  private  5G                                                                                  vegetables  and  preserve  food  in  order  to  aid
       network and will allow the MOD                                                       the nation on the home front. With sponsorship from the Agricultural Organisation
       and  small,  agile  technology                                                       Society  (AOS)  the  WI  was  created,  and  the  first  meeting  was  held  on  16
       companies  to  collaborate  and                                                      September in a garden shed at Llanfair PG on Anglesey in North Wales.
       develop new 5G products  and
       services.  The  Minister  was  then                                                  By the end of 1916, some 40 WI sub-committees had been set up across Britain. As
       taken to Durdle Door where he                                                        this  number  rose  significantly  to 137  by 1917,  the  government decided  to  hand
       was   shown   the   new   5G                                                         over  responsibility  for  opening  WIs  from  the  AOS  to  the  women’s  section  of  the
       connected    digital   signage                                                       food department of the Board of Agriculture.
       which informs the public of sea
       conditions  and  tide  times  via                                                    By the end of the First World War, 199 WIs and seven county federations had been
       data  collected  using  a  sea                                                       established. This figure shot up to 1,405 by the end of 1919.
       condition   monitoring   system

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