Page 9 - br-aug-2021
P. 9

August 2021                          August 2021

 Council Meetings   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

 Parish Council meetings are once again taking place in Briantspuddle Village Hall   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 although the larger hall is being used rather than the Jubilee Room, as it is more
 suitable  for  social  distancing.  The  next  meeting  is  due  to  be  held  on  the  11th
 August.  Members  of  the  public  are  welcome  to  attend  and  will  have  an   Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
 opportunity to speak, but may also write to the Clerk at   preachers.
 to make representations if preferred.   Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 Sue Jones, Chairman   Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, via zoom.
       Chapel  Toddler  Group.    Toddler  Group  has  reopened  and  is  meeting  on
       Wednesdays.  There are two sessions taking place, one at 9.30am  and the second
       one  at  1.30pm.    Advance  booking  is  essential,  please  contact  Suzie  on
       Final restrictions on Sunday Services are expected to be lifted by the time you read
       this, and we look forward to everyone being able to join in the singing again.  Our
       services go out live on you tube.

       Fisherman’s Tales
       If the Bible contained a story about a dog who was swallowed by a fish, and when
       his master caught and opened the fish the dog jumped out barking and fully alive,
       critics  would  scoff  and  point  to  it  as  another  example  of  fictitious  and  totally
       incredible Bible stories. ......

       Moscow Radio reported some time ago that a fisherman was fishing on the side of
       the  Pechora  River.  His  dog  was  swimming  across  when  it  was  attacked  and
       swallowed by a monster pike, six feet long.  The fisherman caught the pike and cut
       it open;  out jumped the dog, barking and unhurt.
       The  Daily  Mail  of  31   December  1964,  tells  of  a  Russian  whaler  taking  from  the
       stomach of a whale a still living giant squid, twice the size of a man and weighing
       Hans  Hass  records  his  experience  with  a  fifty  foot  whale  off  the  Azores,  in  the
       stomach of which were found two sharks, one 10ft and the other 8ft long.

       Marshall Jenkins, seaman in a USA whaler, was swallowed by a 20ft whale in the
       Mediterranean in 1858 and disgorged almost at once not much the worse.  And
       James  Bartley  in  a  British  whaler,  operating  near  the  Falkland  Islands  was
       discovered alive in a whale’s stomach when his comrades were cutting it up 24
       hours later.  Bartley is known to have lived 30 or more years after his experience.
       Jonah himself, so far as is known, still holds the record of three days in the belly of a
       big fish before being regurgitated onto dry land.

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