Page 19 - br-aug-2021
P. 19

August 2021                          August 2021

 We returned at 5pm as Janet had told   The budget for waste collection at Dorset Council is around £32M.  Just over £15M

 us that the tide would recede enough   of this is in disposal of the waste. The collection vehicles and staff are operated
 for  the  sea  to  reveal  the  pool  by   from six depots across the county. As of this month all homes in the county have
 around 5.30pm.   the  same  service,  a  weekly  food  waste  collection  and  a  fortnightly  black  bin
       collection and recycling collection with a separate glass and battery collection
 As  we  walked  through  the  tunnels  to   on  this  week.  We  collect  about  190,000  tons  a  year,  and  over  60%  of  this  is
 the  ladies  beach  my  mind  raced   recycled.  We are proud to be in the top five for our waste services in the country
 back over half a century when I had   and would even reach the top spot if our collections were not more expensive
 my first Christmas Day swim there.  Of   than urban authorities due to our rural area.   All our waste is collected and taken
 course  the  Ilfracombe  Tunnels  go   to  transfer  stations  where  it  is  bulked  up  and  taken  in  larger  vehicles  for
 back  a  lot  further  and  was  opened   processing.
 nearly 200 years ago in 1823.

 As bathing and the ‘art of swimming’   Black Bin Waste
 became  more  popular  in  Victorian  times,  local  entrepreneurs  employed  welsh
 miners  to  hand  carve  six  tunnels  through  the  hillside  to  gain  access  to  the   A  normal dustcart  can  hold  ten  tons  of  compacted black  bin waste.   Each full
 wonderful Devon coastline which lay beyond. Four of these tunnels are still open   lorry costs the council approximately  £1200 to dispose of  the contents  after  the
 to the public today. From this, the town grew from a tiny fishing village to a busy   costs of collection. After bulking up the waste is delivered to a site near Wimborne
 seaside resort.   operated  by  New  Earth  Solutions.    Here  the  waste  is  treated  and  any
       compostable materials like food waste, garden waste and dog poo are removed
 The pools were built between the natural curve of the rocks using boulders and   and treated in a high temperature plant to sterilise.  The residual from this process
 lime mortar for the retaining walls. It took hundreds of men 18 months to build the   is then used to back fill large quarries like the china clay quarries in Cornwall. Any
 tidal  pools.  The  lime  used  was  brought  in  by  ship  from  a  kiln  sited  at  a  nearby   tins  are  taken  out  for  recycling  and  the  residual  matter  including  film,  nappies,
 cove.   and you know what else you put in the black bin!! is compacted and wrapped
       like big bale silage.  These are then taken for refuse derived fuel, large incinerators
 Of course, the dramatic coastline remains virtually unaltered to this very day and   that create electricity and which also use the heat in outer outlets.  Currently the
 it  lies  within  a  designated  ‘Area  of  Outstanding  Natural  Beauty.  It  is  also  a   bulk  of  or  waste  goes  to  Europe  where  the  plants  are  very  efficient.    However,
 designated Conservation Area and voluntary ‘Marine Conservation Area’.
       from September this will go to a new state of the art plant at Bridgewater and the
 Bathing facilities were the first essential at any fashionable seaside resort and as   heat is going to be piped to the Muller dairy close to the site.
 Ilfracombe  began  to  expand  in  early  Victorian  times,  it  set  out  to  improve
 provision for those who wished to bathe in the sea and for those who wished to   Garden Waste
 seek sea-water cures in the comfort of a bath-house.
       The  brown  bin  garden  waste  is
 In  this  period  bathing  was  seen  as   bulked up at the transfer stations
 an  aid  to  health  rather  than  as  a      and  the  household  recycling
 pleasure.  There  was  strict   centres and mostly  taken to Eco
 segregation  of  the  sexes  with  the   Solutions  at  Parley  for  Windrow
 l a d i e s    b e i n g    a l l o c a t e d   composting.  There are two other
 Wildersmouth  Beach  and  the   small  facilities  at  Stourpaine  and
 gentlemen took a short boat trip to   Weymouth.    The  material  is  put
 Crewkhorne  Cove.  Men  bathed  in   through  a  massive  shredder  and
 the nude in those days.   laid out in long lines to compost.
 Segregated  bathing  was  tightly   The  whole  site  is  about  8  acres
 controlled between the Ladies and   but does wood recycling as well.
 the  Gentlemen’s  pools  with  a   It is quite a scientific process with probes regularly monitoring the temperature ups
 bugler employed to blow an alarm   and downs to determine when the heap need to be turned. The material is then
       sold in bulk to landscapers and the like.

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