Page 17 - br-aug-2021
P. 17

August 2021                          August 2021

 venture into the water. A variety   (SCMS)  located  offshore.  This  includes  what  is  believed  to  be  the  only  self-
 of  small  rubber  craft  appeared      powered  floating  5G  buoy  on  the  globe.  Charged  by  the  sun,  it  shows  how
 as if by magic. I just had to join   innovation  has  a  huge  part  to  play  in  meeting  net  zero  carbon  objectives.  The
 them!    four  digital  signs  installed  by  the  project  at  popular  tourist  hotspots  also include
       footfall  counting  technology  to  help  landowners  and  the  local  authorities
 I swam a few times the length of
 the  pool  stopping  occasionally   manage potential overcrowding along the Jurassic Coast.
 to  take  in  the  scene.  By  now,   There  was  also  the  chance  to  meet  the  Lulworth  First  Responders  who  have
 the  outer  wall  of  the  pool  had   recently had their emergency response vehicle brought into the 21st century with
 fully emerged from the sea and   the latest communications kit and 5G connectivity. Finally, the Minister was then
 youngsters  and  a  few  mums   taken by boat to view the SCMS buoy up close and to look at the coastline where
 and dads had clambered onto   the project is examining how 5G can be used to help monitor land slippage and
 it   balancing  like   tight-rope   cliff stability.
 walkers  on  what  looked  like  a
 slippery  uneven  surface.    I  was   I  commented  “This  visit  marks  an  important  milestone  in  the  project  as  our
 sorely tempted to join them but   research  starts  to  become  more  visible  and  is  being  recognised  at  the  highest
 having  already  broken  one  ankle  in  an  adventurous  past,  I  decided  that   levels of government.  We  hope what the Minister has seen here today will help
 discretion was called for. Now there is a sign that I must be getting old!   inform decisions about 5G and rural connectivity, not just in Dorset but across the
       whole of the UK.”
 Back to the beach, I sat a while with Diana as we took in the scene. It had its own
 unique  atmosphere  with  the  unrivalled  backdrop  of  this  stunning  coastline.  The   Digital  Infrastructure  Minister  Matt  Warman  said:  “5G  is  about  much  more  than
 world was at play, a time to remember, a moment to cherish....   having  a  faster  mobile  phone  and  I’ve  seen  some  incredible  innovation
       happening across Dorset with the help of government funding. Whether it’s saving
 Ilfracombe Tunnels, Bath Place, Ilfracombe, EX34 8AN   lives at sea, monitoring coastal erosion or helping our dedicated first responders,
       what  we  are  learning  in  Dorset  about  this  technology  will  help  us  improve  lives
 Tel: 01271 879882  Website:
       and create new solutions to age-old problems.”
                   Bob Holman
       All  in  all,  a  very  positive  day  which  raised  the  profile  of  ground-breaking  digital
       work underway here in Dorset and puts us in an excellent position for any further
       work funded by government.

      Quality Tax and   Social Care Reform – Briefing note to our MPs
 KingsBere   Accounting   The current system is not working so at our regular meeting with our local MPs we
       put forward our thoughts and our requests for them to consider. Apologies for the
       length  but  it  only  makes  sense  as  a  complete  document,  so  it  is  shown  below
       unedited.  We  also attached “Nine Statements  to Help Shape  Adult Social Care
 Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all   Reform” produced by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
 aspects of accounts and tax
       which you can Google if you need to.
       We  need  MPs’  help  to  ensure  certainty  for  adult  social  care,  progress  on
 Day and evening appointments available   meaningful reform of the funding system and to secure a long-term plan for adult
       social care. Reform has been a challenge for governments of all political shades,
       but a fair and sustainable solution is vitally needed.
 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
       Social care provides care, support and safeguards for us at different stages in our

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