Page 18 - br-aug-2021
P. 18

August 2021                                                                          August 2021
       lives. It supports us when we are disabled or older or caring. It supports us to live
       good lives and die good deaths.                                                      call if a  man attempted  to spy  on  the ladies. This  lasted 82 years  before mixed
                                                                                            bathing was introduced 1906. In those days the ladies modesty was preserved by
       We  are  relieved  to  hear                                                          the  employment  of  horse  drawn  wooden  bathing  machines  being  wheeled  to
       Government     restate   its                                                         the water’s edge where the ladies could emerge from these darkened changing
       commitment  to  adult  social                                                        facilities into the  water.  There  appears  to have been  no  windows  to  allow  light
       care  reform  in  the  Queen’s                                                       into the bathing machines.
       Speech,  but  disheartened
       by the absence of concrete                                                           Originally there were three tidal pools but unfortunately only the Ladies Pool and
       proposals   or   timescale,                                                          part of the smallest pool survive the ravages of time.
       particularly in the context of                                                       Back  to  the  present  day:  as  I
       the  impact  the  pandemic                                                           walked  through  the  tunnels  I
       has  had  on  older  and                                                             stopped  a  while  at  the  many
       disabled  people  and  their                                                         small quirky notices that lined our
       carers.                                                                              path.  These  included  some

       We  believe  it  is  vital  the                                                      interesting  facts.  Did  I  know  that
       Government keeps its promise to sort out adult social care ‘once and for all’. It is   over 26 million people had visited
       crucial the Government sets out its plans at the earliest opportunity and certainly   the  tunnels  since  they  opened in
       ahead of the Autumn Spending Review.                                                 1824.There   had   been   over
                                                                                            140,000 tides during that time.
       Millions of us, including thousands of people in your constituency, are not getting
       the  care  and  support  we  need,  and  every  delay  means  that  more  older  and
       disabled  people,  families  and  carers  are  being  left  to  struggle.  To  get  the  care
       and support we all need, now and the future, requires Government to:

       Set  out  its  plans  for  the  long-term  future  of  Adult  Social  Care  before  the                                       As I emerged from the final tunnel
       parliamentary recess in July: Enabling us all to get the care and support we want                                             this  magnificent  rugged  North
       for ourselves and our families, today and in the future, and so that we can live the                                          Devon  coastline  lay  before  me.
       lives we want to live.                                                                                                        The    cliffs  and  grass  covered
                                                                                                                                     hilltops  towered  over  the  shale
       Provide certainty about funding: Guaranteeing – before the parliamentary recess                                               beach  in  what  I  can  only
       in  July  –  that  all  existing  short-term  funding  will  continue,  and  then  use  the                                   described as breathtaking beauty.
       upcoming  Comprehensive  Spending  Review  to  set  out  what  money  will  be                                                This  was  the  only  place  to  be  on
       available over the course of the whole of the Parliament to ensure we all continue                                            this warm, sunny August evening.
       to get the support we need.
                                                                                                                                     I  stopped  a  while  to  take  in  the
       Support the development of a ten year plan for Adult Social Care: Setting out how    scene. The beach was full of families relaxing in the early evening sun. It was time
       social care links with other public services and supports resilient individuals, families   for a picnic or to discover the joys of the many rock pools scattered around the
       and communities – complementing and supporting the NHS Long Term Plan and            site. Janet told me that rock pooling is still very popular today with many parties of
       prioritising care and support in our homes and communities.                          school children and their teachers discovering the hidden treasures of sea life in
                                                                                            the rock pools.
       Waste and Recycling information                                                      At first, there were very few people swimming in the open sea. However, within
       I have been requested by a number of people to summarise the costs, services         half  an  hour  I  noticed  rough  patches  of  water  form  in  an  arc  around  the  bay.
       and in particular some questions concerning the collection of garden waste. Next     Soon the rocky outer sea wall began to blink above the surface and the shape of
       month I will cover Recycling.                                                        the tidal pool emerged.
                                                                                            Already at the waters edge, children, mums, dads, the young, the old began to

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