Page 10 - br-aug-2021
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August 2021                                                                          August 2021
       Fishermen’s  tales  are  often                                                       and the Parish Council will provide further updates later this year.
       taken  with  a  pinch  of  salt,  but
       these   stories   show   that
       sometimes   the   unbelievable                                                       Community Speed
       really  can  be  the  truth.    The                                                  Watch
       same  is  true  of  the  Bible.    We
       may think some of the things in                                                      The  Parish  Council is  considering
       it couldn’t possibly be true, and                                                    the  possibility  of  establishing  a
       so  therefore  the  whole  book                                                      joint  Community  Speed  Watch
       should  be  dismissed,  but  if  we                                                  Group with Puddletown Parish so
       take that position then we throw                                                     that costs and resources can be
       away  God’s  truth  for  us.    There                                                shared.  There  is  some  interest  in
       have  been  numerous  attempts                                                       Affpuddle, but several volunteers
       to  discredit  the  Bible,  but  they                                                will  be  needed  to  establish  a
       have  all  failed.    The  weight  of                                                group.  There  was  previously  a
       evidence for its authenticity is overwhelming.   Some have spent years looking at    discussion  about  Briantspuddle
       all the facts surrounding the validity of the Bible, determined to prove it is a fraud,   being involved as well  but there
       only  to  be  convinced  of its  truth.    A  young  man  bought  a  Bible  from  a  charity   was  not  enough  interest  amongst  residents  at  the  time.  Anyone  interested  in
       shop,  and  after  reading  some  of  it  He  knew  God  was  speaking  to  him.    He   volunteering  for  a  Community  Speed  Watch  Group  anywhere  within  the  parish
       committed his life to God and everything changed.  His life was in a mess up to      should contact the Parish Council Clerk so that the Parish Council can determine
       that point, but he was changed, and his life turned around.                          if there are enough volunteers for this to be viable.
       God always wants to speak to us, so it’s for our benefit to hear what He is saying,
       to know that He loves and cares for each one of us, whatever our circumstances,      Temporary Events Notices
       and whether we normally just ignore Him.
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  has  been  notified  of  several  temporary  events  notices  that
       “God so loved the world (including you)  that He gave His One and only Son, that     have  been  granted  in  the  Parish  during  the  summer  months.    These  notices
       whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”.   John 3:16        include the sale of alcohol and music.   A list of these notices and the sites they

       Don’t dismiss the Bible as ‘Fishermen’s tales!                                       relate to can be found on the Parish Council section of the community website.
                                                                                            Any other notices will be posted as they are received.

       Just a Smile
                                                                                            Grant Funding
       There was a blinding flash of lightning and Emily, aged 5, rushed into the house
       shouting “Mummy, Mummy, God has just taken my picture!”                              Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council sets aside a sum of money each year
                                                                                            which  can  be  applied  for  by  local  organisations  for  projects  which  will  be  of
                                                                                            benefit to residents within the parish of Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle.  For the year
                                                                                            2021/22 the total budget for grant funding is £500.
       “Daddy, what’s  that?” said the little boy looking up at the memorial plaque on
       the wall.                                                                            The Parish Council’s policy and application form can be found on Briantspuddle
                                                                                            Community Website by following the link
       “That’s in memory of all the brave men who died in the services..”
                                                                                            In terms of timeframe the following dates apply:
       The  little  boy  scanned  the  long  list  of  names  and  asked,  “Did  they  die  in  the
       morning or evening services?                                                         Applications should be submitted by 30th September - email the Parish Clerk
                                                                       Joyce Healey         Grant awards will be considered at the Parish Council’s October meeting.

                                                                                            Payments will be made at the Parish Council’s November meeting

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