Page 13 - br-aug-2021
P. 13

August 2021                          August 2021
 BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE   during the pandemic we have been operating on a hybrid system in parliament,
       with some MPs being in the Chamber in person, and others appearing virtually,
 NEWS   from their constituencies, their offices, or even their living rooms!  MPs have also
       been  able  to  have  proxies,  and  most  MPs  have  been  on  a  proxy  for  several
 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   Proxy votes are relatively new, and were first introduced for new parents – for MPs
       on maternity, paternity or adoption leave. When the pandemic began, and most
 As I sit here writing this we certainly are in uncertain   MPs were asked to work from home, proxy votes were expanded and allowed for
 times. Officially most legal covid restrictions are no   all MPs. Like many families, we had to self-isolate for 10 days in July, but thanks to
 more and yet I think most of us think it’s when not if   the proxy system my votes were still counted.
 certain restrictions are put back into place.
       Thanks to technology, whilst self-isolating, I was able to carry on working, holding
 But  for  now  things  at  the  village  hall  are  officially   my  regular  surgery  by  phone,  as  well  as  other  zoom  and  Teams  meetings  with
 very different. The trustees decided earlier this month to implement what is legally   Ministers  and  colleagues.  My  team  are  used  to  working  remotely,  so  we  have
 required  and  not  impose  further  restrictions  on  hirers  rather  leaving  them  the   excellent lines of communication to enable us to work wherever we are.  As you
 freedom to hire and use the hall as they and those who attend their events feel it   can imagine, this has been especially important for constituency casework.
 appropriate to do so.
       Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  help  or  support.  As  my  staff  are  all  working  from
 Alongside that we are leaving everything in place for hand sanitising and social   home, it is best to get in touch by email . I
 distancing  for  those  wanting  to  make  use  of  these  things.  Masks  are  no  longer   send  out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website
 compulsory but we would just ask that everyone be considerate to others around where you can also find links to
 them and if it’s crowded consider continuing to use your mask where possible.   the  latest  coronavirus  advice.  Follow  me  on  twitter
       @michael4MDNP        or   find   me    on   facebook
 At  the  moment  the  village  hall  café  continues  to  operate  on  Tuesdays  and
 Saturdays making use of the open space between the hall and the shop and the
 jubilee  room  with  social  distancing  of  tables  still in  place.  Gentle cautious  steps
 back to normality hopefully.
 Having said that I think most of us believe that we will see some strong guidance if
 not  regulated  controls  of  varying  forms  from  mask  wearing  to  another  possible
 lockdown if infection rates continue to rise.
 Anyone  wanting  to  look  into  booking  the  hall  should  as  usual  contact  Angela   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
 Tozer, the booking secretary who will be glad to sort things out for you.

 By  the  time  you  read  this  we  will,  at  last.,  have  had  our  AGM  and  a  new   Michael Tomlinson MP
 committee of trustees will have been formed. Any changes to the people holding   
 the various offfices, chairman, treasurer, secretary, booking secretary etc will be   holds regular surgeries     01202 624216
 posted  on  the  main  entrance  doors  to  the  hall  with  the  appropriate  contact   in the constituency.  For
 details being placed there as well.   details of forthcoming   
         surgeries or to make an
 In the meantime I hope you stay well and can enjoy some of the freedoms along
 with the glorious summer sunshine we are currently experiencing.   appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP
            contact his office.
 Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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