Page 22 - br-sep-2021
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September 2021                                                                      September 2021

       within 12 months of Dorset Council publishing its Terms of Reference, although any   When I read the morning paper and it told me of her death,
       changes  to  governance  arrangements  agreed  as  part  of  the  Review  cannot     It took me by surprise and it took away my breath,
       take effect until the next scheduled elections in May 2024. A copy of the Terms of   As a nation bowed in silence and the tears ran down its face.
       Reference  document  can  be  found  at         Could there ever be another with such elegance and grace?
       The process that Dorset Council will follow will be:                                                                                   Paul J Openshaw (2017)

            Publication of Terms of reference that sets out what will be covered – in this
             case it will be a review of all parishes that sit within the Dorset Council area
             (22 July 2021).

            Public  consultation  for  12  weeks  seeking  proposals/initial  submissions  (5                         I Remember my Gran
             August to 28 October 2021).                                                                                 I remember my Gran with her happy ways,

            Consideration  of  consultation  responses  and  preparation  of  draft                                   Remember her sitting in her high back chair,
             recommendations (to be agreed by Full Council - December 2021).                                           The stories she told us when we were young.
                                                                                                                       I remember her laugh and her silver hair.
            Public  consultation  on  draft  recommendations  (20  December  2021  –  28
             February 2022).                                                                                           I remember the path leading to her door,

            Consideration  of  further  responses  and  then  publication  of  final                                  With cornflowers growing all in a row;
             recommendations. (to be agreed by Full Council – April 2022)                                              The pear tree and the old garden shed,
                                                                                                                       The spade in Winter, in case we had snow.
       We  have  written  to  all  Parishes,  voluntary  organisations  and  other  potentially
       interested  organisations  with  the  detailed  timetable.    When  preparing  any                              The Grandfather clock would be ticking away,
       submissions,  we  recommend  that  the  parishes  take  into  account  the                                      Pendulum swinging, dark polished wood;
       considerations that Dorset Council will need to apply that are set out in the Local                             The table set with home-made jam:
       Government Boundary Commission for England Guidance already provided to all                                     To see it again – if only I could.
       Parish Councils: That is:
                                                                                                                       Her old corner cupboard with the biscuits in,
            The  need  to  secure  that  community  governance  within  the  area  under                              My favourite chocolate, she was so kind.
             review:                                                                                                   I see it all just like yesterday;
                 reflects the identities and interests of the community in that area.                                 I see it all, but only in my mind.

                 is effective and convenient.                                                                         I remember my Gran with her happy ways,
                                                                                                                       And how she loved her ginger cake for tea.
            The  impact  of  community  governance  arrangements  on  community                                       I remember as if it was yesterday;
             cohesion and the size, population and boundaries of a local community or                                  How lovely to have this memory.
             parish.                                                                                                                                Eileen Richardson

            The  impact  on  electorate  size  of  future  development  within  the  next  5
       We  will  be  able  to  assist  by  providing  street  lists  with  elector  numbers,  and  we
       have also provided  figures  for  the  5-year projected  future developments  in the
       consultation document.
       Any changes will be set out in a Reorganisation Order – the Order will include a
       detailed map of any boundary changes with any changes taking effect at the

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