Page 14 - br-sep-2021
P. 14

September 2021                                                                      September 2021

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          Where have we all gone wrong?
                                                                                            Our next Meeting is on Wednesday, 15th September when we have an outing to
       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                     Minterne  House  once the home  of the  Churchill and  Digby  families.  Apparently
                                                                                            the garden there is a haven of tranquility to explore and inspire. Please come and
                                                                                            join  us.  For  further  information  please  contact  Di  Pitts,  our  Chairman,  on  01929
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting                       471322 or our Facebook page @Bere Regis WI.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, via zoom.
       Chapel Toddler Group.  Toddler Group will reopen on Wednesday                        BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP
       September 8 at 9.30am.  Advance booking is essential, please contact
       Suzie on 07962142552

       Final  restrictions  on  Sunday  Services  have  been  lifted  and  we  are  enjoying
       congregational singing again, and  coffee and  tea are served after  the  service.
       Our services go out live on you tube.
                                                                                                              Bere Regis Floral Group Monthly Meetings

                                                                                                              Do you love flowers, gardening, art and design? Would you
       I wonder if, like me, you enjoy looking up at the stars on a clear night?  I’m always                  like  to  spend  a  relaxing  and  entertaining  afternoon
       amazed  at  how  many  there  are,  and  I  would  love  to  be  able  to  look  at  them              watching  beautiful  flower  arrangements  created  by  an
       through a really strong telescope.  I gather the sight is amazing.  I recently came   expert demonstrator?
       across the following information about some of the stars.
                                                                                           Bere Regis Floral Group is back in operation again after covid restrictions!
       The  ancient book  of Job, in  the  Bible,  (written  thousands  of  years ago)  contains
       some fascinating verses where God describes to Job how He alone has the power       The next meeting of the group will be on Tuesday, 14  September at 2pm, back
       to control the uncontrollable and (in the time of Job) the unknowable aspects of    in our usual hall at Winterborne Kingston.
       creation.  In Job 38:31-33, God says to Job “Can you direct the movement of the     The  demonstrator  for  the  afternoon  is
       stars, binding the cluster of the Pleiades, or loosening the cords of Orion? Can you   Carole  Norman,  and  her  title  is  Hearts
       direct  the  constellations  through  the  seasons  or  guide  the  Bear  with  her  cubs   and Flowers.
       across the heavens?
                                                                                           We  look  forward  to  welcoming  back
       Pleiades  is  an  open  star                                                        our members, friends and visitors.  If it is
       cluster  consisting  of  stars                                                      your  first  visit  to  the  club,  it  is  free  of
       within a single cosmic cloud.                                                       charge.
       A  gravitational  attraction
       holds  them  together,  like  a                                                     For  more  information  contact
       flock  of birds, as  they  move                                                     chairman  Bob  Holman  on  01305
       in  a  south-easterly  direction                                                    848262 or just  turn  up on the day.  We
       (as  we  know  it).    Quite                                                        would love to see you!
       remarkably these stars travel
       together at the same speed,
       and  they  stay  together,
       d e f y i n g    s c i e n t i f i c

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