Page 13 - br-sep-2021
P. 13

September 2021                      September 2021

 CASTLE PLAYERS  -      Threads through Creation exhibition at Salisbury Cathedral
 LYTCHETT MATRAVERS   Salisbury Cathedral is hosting an exhibition entitled Threads through Creation.

       The exhibition comprises 12 textile panels by textile artist Jacqui Parkinson.
 Castle Players Are Back!   Ms Parkinson took nearly three years to create the panels, which are eight feet
       high and between four and 11 feet wide. They re-imagine the days of creation
 Lytchett’s  Castle  Players  are  back!  After  a  long   described in the book of Genesis.
 lockdown, not knowing when theatre would be back in
 business,  Castle  Players  have  a  full  programme  of   The exhibition runs until 26  September.
 shows  ready  to  go,  and  are  eager  for  an  audience,   For more information visit
 and new members!

 In  October  we  are  running  an  evening  of
    One-Act  plays,  to  start  with  ‘Too  Long  an   Come and join the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral!
 Autumn’  written  by  Jimmie  Chin,  and   The  Friends  of  Salisbury  Cathedral  is  a  charity  that  has  been  giving  grants  to
 directed by Mark Lancaster. Long Autumn is   Salisbury Cathedral since 1930.
 a  retirement  home  for  theatricals  and  the
 play  follows  its  newest  resident,  Maisie  May.   Recent  projects  have  included  the  new  level  access to  the  cathedral  and  the
 We follow this with a radio play, ‘Night of the   installation  of  live  streaming  equipment,  the  latter  enabling  services  to  be
 Lost  Souls’,    written  and  directed  by  Steve   broadcast live onto the cathedral’s YouTube channel for those unable to attend
 O’Neill.  A  ghost  story,  just  in  time  for   worship in person and during the national lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 when the
 Hallowe’en!  This  evening  will  run  with   cathedral was closed.
 refreshments  available  on  22   and  23
 October.   These  grants  have  been  made  possible  thanks  to  members’  subscriptions,
       donations and legacies.
 Coming  up  in  September  we  have  our
 Pantomime  read  through  (12   September)   Annual  subscriptions  are  £25  for  a  single  membership  and  £40  for  joint
 and  auditions  (19   September).  Aladdin  will   membership.
 run in January and there is plenty of room for   Members receive a Friends’ membership card, entitling them to visit the cathedral
 everyone!  If  you  like  singing  and  dancing,   free of charge (excluding ticketed events, concerts or parking).
 acting, or  just  helping  back stage,  we have
 something for you to get involved in! Please   They are sent newsletters and the annual report, and they receive invitations to
 do  come  along  and  support  us,  we  always   events:  musical  evenings,  talks,  theatre  performances,  holidays  and  the  annual
 need new members!   Friends’ Day.
 For all details on upcoming performances, auditions or even how to become a   This year’s Friends’ Day is on Saturday 25  September in the cathedral.
 member,  please  visit  our  website  We  look  forward  to
 seeing you!   The  AGM  is  followed  by  a  lecture  given  by  journalist  and  author  Christopher
       Somerville,  who  will  talk  about  his  book  Ships  of  Heaven  –  The  Private  Life  of
       Britain’s Cathedrals.
       Following the lecture, members can enjoy afternoon tea in the cloisters, a short
       organ recital and evensong.
       For  further  details,  contact  the  Friends’  office  on  01722  555190  or  email

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