Page 18 - br-sep-2021
P. 18

September 2021                                                                      September 2021
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                                                                      willows  trailed  their  slender  fingers

                                                                                                                                  languorously into the quiet glistening
        As  I  write  my  column  this  week,  pupils  across  the                                                                waters  of  the  Mill  Pond.  An
        country are getting their A level and GCSE results. I                                                                     abundance of bull rushes flanked the
        want to congratulate them all – it has clearly been a                                                                     sides  of  the  river  which  meandered
        very challenging year for our young people. I know                                                                        its way downstream.
        that  universities,  colleges  and  apprenticeship                                                                        Time  to  change  into  my  swimming
        placements  are  working  hard  to  ensure  that                                                                          gear  and  see  what  delights  the
        students get the places that they want and that are                                                                       Granta  or  Cam  (no  one  seemed
        best for them. I also thank all the teachers who have                                                                     quite  sure?)  held.  I  lowered  myself
        worked  incredibly  hard  throughout  the  pandemic,                                                                      into the cool, peaty waters and for a
        and  will  also  be  working  in  the  holidays  to  support

                                                                                            start  felt  the  river  bed  mud
                                                         pupils  as  they  decide           squelch  between  my  toes.  It
                                                         their next steps.                  was  very  shallow  initially  so  I
                                                         On   the   subject   of            eased  myself  out  into  the
                                                         education,  I  am  going           centre  of  the  Mill  Pond  to  find
                                                         to  be  very  involved  in         some  water  deep  enough  to
                                                         the Education (Freedom             swim.
                                                         o f    S p e e c h )    B i l l    Brooke   was   the   unofficial
                                                         Committee  when  the               leader  of  the  Grantchester
                                                         House   of   Commons               Group  that  used  to  meet  at
                                                         returns  in  September.            Orchard  House  for  tea  when
                                                         Part of my role is to help         h e   came    to   li ve   i n
        organise  the  sittings  for Bill Committees.  A  Bill  Committee is  where MPs  from all   Grantchester  in  1909  shortly
        parties can scrutinise the language and structure of proposed legislation, and it   before  his  death  in  the  great
        is also a time when outside organisations and the public can contribute to the      war.  Among  his  friends  were  philosopher  Bertram  Russell,  novelist  E  M  Forster,
        debate through oral or written evidence. This is an important part of helping MPs   economist Maynard Keynes, writer Virginia Woolf and artist Augustus John, a very
        to decide if the laws that are being proposed are actually workable in the real     distinguished group of Cambridge academics.
        world, and for those people who will be affected. It is important that all there is
        enough time allowed for this, so careful planning and preparation is made for       It sounded an idyllic way of life with Brooke spending his days studying, running to
        the  Bill  Committee  to  sit.  Bill  Committees  are  public,  so  they  are  recorded  by   Haslingfield in the morning, swimming in the river and commuting to Cambridge
        Hansard, and anyone can read the evidence and the debate.                           by canoe. Life must have been rather wonderful if you were rich in those far off
                                                                                            days where life was led at a gentler pace and there was time to stop and stare,
        Over the summer recess I have been liaising with MPs and civil servants to make     perhaps even to smell the roses?
        arrangements  for  this  committee  when  we  return  to  Parliament  in  September,
        when  we  will  spend  several  sessions  a  week  over  3  weeks  scrutinising  the   Diana was to be my backup so we agreed that I should swim downstream and
        legislation. It is concerned with the important  topic of freedom of speech and     that she would meet me at the tea rooms. I began my swim down the river as it
        academic freedom within Higher Education. You can read the full test of the Bill    wound its way through glorious Cambridgeshire countryside. A blackbird tweeted
        here                                         on the riverbank and I stopped a while taking in the cacophony of sound as the
                                                                                            birds  were  also  enjoying  the  moment.  A  couple  of  swans  glided  gracefully  by
        As we continue getting back to normal, sadly during the pandemic scammers           looking serene and elegant. At times, I had to ease my way through some rather
        have taken advantage of the situation, and there has been a marked increase         prolific water weed that had built up from the river bed. I am told that herons and
        in scam texts and emails. There is lots of helpful advice from the National Cyber   kingfishers are often seen along the banks of the river.

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