Page 11 - br-sep-2021
P. 11

September 2021                      September 2021

       “We shall not cease from exploration

 Community Speed      And the end of all our exploring
 Watch   Will be to arrive where we started

 The  Parish  Council  has  received   And know the place for the first time”.
 a  very  positive  response  to  the   TS  Eliot’s  words  have  particular
 suggestion  of  establishing  a   resonance  every  September.  Back  to
 Community Speed Watch Group   school;  back  to  work;  back  to  church;  back  to  the  whole  range  of  familiar
 jointly  with  Puddletown  Parish.    routines, habits, and disciplines that the summer has disrupted. Since you last read
 This collaboration will mean that   Grapevine you may have taken a holiday, whether a Covid-induced staycation
 both costs and resources will be   or  an  adventure  further  afield.  Or  you  may  have  been  made  aware  of  others
 shared.   Sufficient   volunteers   taking  a  holiday.  Perhaps  you  have  welcomed  them  into  your  home  or  your
 have  now  come  forward  to   church  (or  perhaps  you  have  found  that  your  workload  has  increased  as  you
 establish  a  group  in  Affpuddle.    have covered for colleagues). Whatever shape it’s taken, the summer has meant
 Anyone  interested  in  volunteering  for  a  Community  Speed  Watch  Group   exploration, whether of new places or of our own reserves of patience!
 anywhere  within  the  parish  should  contact  the  Parish  Council  Clerk.  If  there  is
 enough interest the  group could be expanded.   But  the end  of  all  our  exploration is  to arrive, and  to  arrive here. In  September.
       Where  we  started.  At  the  familiar  juncture  where  schools  return,  congregations
 The  Parish  Council  will  continue  to  work  with  the  Highways  Authority  to  seek  to   regroup, and office life resumes. Where normality reasserts itself.
 improve road safety, particularly on the B3390 through Affpuddle. Data gathered
 by the Community Speedwatch Group may assist with this wider safety issue.   Will it, though? Eliot’s point is that when we arrive at it, the juncture is no longer
       familiar. We know it as though “…for the first time”. That’s because the exploration

       has  changed  us.  Our  expectations  and  assumptions  are  not  what  they  were
 Grant Funding   when we started out.
 Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council sets aside a sum of money each year   Working in the Cathedral, particularly in August, I am reminded of this pattern of
 which can be applied for by local organisations for projects that will be of benefit   change  every  single  day.  Our  earnest  hope  is  that  when  our  visitors  leave  the
 to  residents  with  the  Parish.    For  the  year  2021/22  the  total  budget  for  grant   Close they are not quite who they were when they arrived. Perhaps they will have
 funding is £500.     watched one of the masons at work, and have been encouraged to think about
       the  gifts  they  might  want  to  develop;  perhaps  they  will  have  learned  that  the
 The  Parish  Council’s  policy  and  application  form  can  be  found  on  the
 Briantspuddle  Community  Website  via  following  the  link  building was raised by one generation, and have been inspired to consider what
       their own generation might achieve. Perhaps in a moment of deep stillness in the
       shade  of the  Trinity  Chapel,  or in a  prayer  offered by a duty  chaplain, or in an
 In terms of timeframe the following dates apply:   Eastwards-looking vista of captivating beauty they will have turned their gaze to
       the God who longs for them.
    Applications  should  be  submitted  by  30   September  –  email  the  Parish
 Clerk.   If any of those is true then when they return home they will not be who they were
       when they set out. Nor are any of us as we head into this autumn. We may like to
    Grant  applications  will  be  considered  at  the  Parish  Council’s  October   think  of  ourselves  as  human  beings:  in  reality  we  are  human  becomings.
 meeting.   September  is  here.  The  month  when  everything  begins  again.  But  we  look  at

    Payments will be made at the Parish Council’s November meeting.   every new year with new eyes. We are on a journey. We start afresh. Thanks be to

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