Page 12 - br-sep-2021
P. 12

September 2021                                                                      September 2021

       FRIENDS OF SALISBURY CATHEDRAL                                                       BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
                                  Secret Gardens of the Close and
                                  Green Fair

                                  The Friends of Salisbury Cathedral’s Secret Gardens       BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY GROUP
                                  of  the  Close  event  returns  in  September  and  this
                                  year there’s a new attraction.
                                                                                           Saturday Coffee Shop
                                  The  event,  which  enables  the  public  to  visit
                                  gardens  in  Salisbury  Cathedral  Close  that  are      The  Community  Group  will  be
                                  normally hidden from view, will include a green fair     running  the  Coffee  Shop  at  the
                                  comprising  a  dozen  stalls  with  an  eco-friendly     Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  on
                                  theme.                                                   Saturday  mornings  from  4
                                                                                           September  onwards  opening  at
                                  Secret  Gardens  of  the  Close  &  Green  Fair  takes   10am  till  12  noon  with  proper
                                  place on Sunday September 12 from 1pm to 5pm.            coffee,  all  your  favourite  cakes
                                                                                           and,  of  course,  delicious  bacon
                                  As well as touring some of the larger gardens in the
          Flashback to 2019 and a visitor   Close  and  De  Vaux  Place,  visitors  can  enjoy  tea   rolls. Lots  of lively  chatter,  papers
         enjoys a stroll in one of the ‘secret                                             to read, plenty catching up to do
             gardens of the Close’.   and cake on the lawn of South Canonry, the home      -  we  look  forward  to  seeing  you
                                  of the Bishop of Salisbury.
       The green fair stalls include Harnham Water Meadows Trust, Plantlife and Wiltshire
       Wildlife Trust, whose representatives will be explaining what they do and how the
       public can get involved. Salisbury Florilegium Society will be hosting an exhibition   Book-Let
       of members’ botanical paintings in the Medieval Hall and musical entertainment
       will be provided by recorder group Close Consort, whose members will be playing     The  Book-Let,  which  has  continued  to  open  whenever  possible  throughout  the
       in a number of the gardens.                                                         pandemic,  has now  settled  back into its usual  slot  on  the  2   Saturday  of each
                                                                                           month,  opening  from  10  am  to  12  noon  in  conjunction  with  the  coffee  shop.
       Friends’  chairman  Duncan Glass  said:                                             Thanks to donations of plenty of ‘new’ books we now have a wonderful selection
       “The  Friends  are  very  much  looking                                             for you to choose from.
       forward to holding our Secret Gardens
       of  the  Close  afternoon  following  the                                           Do come along and give us a try, it’s still just 25p for each book borrowed and all
       disappointment  of  having  to  cancel                                              the money raised goes to the Village Hall.
       last  year  due  to  the  Covid-19                                                                                 Angie Talbot, Briantspuddle Community Group
       restrictions.  “The  green  fair  will
       enhance  this  popular  event  and  we
       look  forward  to  welcoming  everyone
       to our flagship event.”

       Tickets for Secret Gardens of the Close
       & Green Fair are £10 (under-16s free),
       and are available at the event.       Time for tea. Tea and cakes will be available at
                                            South Canonry, the home of the Bishop of Salisbury.
       For  more  details,  contact  the  Friends’
       office on 01722 555190.                  Pictures copyright Katharine Shearing.
                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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