Page 15 - br-sep-2021
P. 15

September 2021                      September 2021

 BERE REGIS WI      expectations. Only God can bind together the cluster of Pleiades.
       In  contrast  Orion’s  belt  consists  of  three  elements:    two  stars  –  Alnilame  and
       Mintaka  –  together  with  a  triple  star  cluster,  is  stretching  apart.  So  slowly  but
 On  a  very  very  hot  evening  -  Wednesday  21st   steadily, Orion’s belt is being loosened.
 July - 21 excited ladies came together for the first   Arcturus,  which  means  ‘bear  guardian’  is  a  super  bright  sight  that  in  1971  was
 time  since  it  seemed  the  world  had  begun  or   identified as actually comprising an additional 52 stars, the cubs.  In His challenge
 was  it  only  16  months  to enjoy  an evening with   to Job, God is demonstrating that He alone has the power to control the stars.   It
 drinks  and  nibbles  and  a  chance  to  catch  up   also demonstrates that the Bible is scientifically correct, even though the scientists
 with  friends  and  hopefully  new  members  to  our   have only recently discovered this truth.
 monthly meetings at the Sports Club in Bere Regis. We were able to sit outside in
 the evening sunshine in such lovely surroundings and even had our photos taken   In Psalm 8:3, King David the writer says, “When I consider Your heavens, the work
 just  to  prove  we  were  still  alive  and  had  made  it  through  this  terrible  Covid   of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is man
 epidemic. We did not even have to wear masks thank goodness as they would   that  You  are mindful of  him,  the son  of  man that  You  care  for  him?”    He  then
 have hampered good conversation through a piece of material and elastic.   goes on to say how God cares and knows about us all.
       So when you look at the stars remember that God knows about them all, and in
       the same way He knows about you.  He cares about you and will comfort and
       encourage  you  through  all  the  ups  and  downs  of  your  life.    If  you  feel  lonely
       remember you are not alone, but you do need to talk to God if you want to know
       His presence with you.

       Just a Smile
         The teacher asked her class what stars were.  A little girl replied, “They are holes
       in God’s carpet where the light shines through.”

       A lady took two little girls to the station to meet a friend who was coming for a
       holiday.  Whilst waiting for the train the five year old looked all round the station
 We hope to start our occasional Lunch outings to the many local eating houses   and looked hard at the roof.  At last she asked, “What’s wrong with the station?”
 soon once everything gets back to near normal. There are so many nice places   “What do you mean?” asked the lady.
 to eat in our immediate area and it is a great opportunity to try them out and get   “Well,” said the little girl, “at Sunday school we always pray ‘lead us not into the
 together.   station’.”!
 Our next meeting was at 7.30 on Wednesday, the 18th August, at the Sports Club
 in North Street when our Speaker gave a talk on Boots the Chemist Book Library.
 This Library was started in 1898 by a member of the Boots family but ended in 1956
 when County Libraries were opened.  Apparently in 1940 John Betjeman placed
 Boots Libraries at the head of an iconic list of British Nations emblems.

 Think of what our Nation stands for Books from Boots and country lanes
 Free speech, free passes, class distinction
 Democracy and proper drains!

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