Page 17 - br-sep-2021
P. 17

September 2021                      September 2021

       The last 18 months have been difficult
       for  us  all,  but  those  who  sing  in  choirs
       have  been  particularly  hard  hit  with
       many  unable  to  sing  together  since
       March 2020. Now restrictions are lifting
       Wareham Choral Society is planning a
       return  to  music  making  in  September
       2021. Their Monday evening rehearsals at Lady St Mary’s Church will include the
       standard  Christmas  fare  including  carols  and  excerpts  from  Handel’s  “Messiah”
       but  also  an  exciting  newly  commissioned  work.  The  “Dorset  Jubilate”  has  been
       written  for  the  Choral  Society  by  composer  Philip  Singleton,  and  as  well  as  the
       familiar  words  of  the  Jubilate,  it  incorporates  settings  of  poems  by  local  poet
       Thomas Hardy – “The Darkling Thrush”, and  “The Oxen” which adds a Christmas
       feel to the piece due to be first performed on 4th December 2021 in a concert
       with Briantspuddle Singers.
       Composer Philip Singleton says: “It is my sincere hope that the “Dorset Jubilate”
       should contain something to appeal to all… and what better to set that poems
       by Thomas Hardy. The Jubilate Deo (Psalm 100) invites Christians to be joyful and
       to praise God, while Hardy’s poem “The Oxen” takes the form of a pastoral carol-
       like setting, and “The Darkling Thrush”, in which a lone wanderer on the point of
 Occasionally  I  would  sight  walkers  using  the  riverbank  for  a  gentle  stroll  and  I   despair  finds  solace  in  the  song  of  an  unseen  thrush  –  suggested  here  by  solo
 gather  the  path  is  known  by  students  from  the  university  as  the  Grantchester   trumpet.”
 Grind. Time for a gentle breaststroke as I took in my surroundings. The world was   The  “Dorset  Jubilate”  is  scored  for  Choir,  Soprano  and  Baritone  Soloists,  and
 passing  me  by  and  I  was  a  mere  observer  of  a  tranquil  scene  from  times  long   obligato trumpet,  all supported  by  an  important  and  exciting organ part.  Philip
 past.   has  worked  in  close  collaboration  with  Wareham  Choral  Society’s  Musical
 After a while, I started to look for Diana but without success. She had completely   Director, Hazel Ricketts, and John Challenger, organist of Salisbury Cathedral.
 disappeared and I was beginning to get a little concerned. Where could she be?   Hazel Ricketts comments that “The results of this collaboration are obvious in both
 “Oye, are you looking for your wife?” a voice from the riverbank called. “You will   a dramatic  organ  part  which  complements  and  supports the choir, and  choral
 need to swim back a little way, walk across the cricket pitch and she is waiting for   writing which is crafted to be approachable and singable for an amateur choir.
 you  at  the  entrance  to  the  tea  rooms.  Time  passes  so  quickly  when  you  are   However the real joy is in the piece as a whole, and the way in which all elements
 enjoying yourself and I had obviously overshot the tea rooms and had to retrace   fit together to make a new and exciting, yet still moving, choral work reflecting
 my steps.   our mixed feelings at this strange time”.

 And there we met and before wiping the accumulated mud off my feet and legs,    Why don't you join a choir - we are very friendly and you don't need to be an
 a product of getting out onto the bank, I was able to change back into my shorts   experienced  singer.    Wareham  Choral  Society  meets  on  Monday  evenings  at
 and  t-shirt and  enjoy  a lovely  cup of  tea  in  the tea rooms. In  the  car park, we   7.30pm  at  Lady  St.  Mary's  Church  and  Briantspuddle  Singers  meet  on  Tuesday
 found a free museum dedicated to the great man. I have often wondered what   evenings also at 7.30pm  at Briantspuddle Village Hall.  If you want to know more
 made someone a truly iconic figure, Brookes was certainly one. I guess you have   contact Sarah Welton (Wareham) 471562 or Jill Marsden (Briantspuddle) 472643.
 to die young and have done something truly exceptional. Marilyn Monroe, James
 Dean, Rupert Brooks, they all fitted the bill.

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