Page 18 - BR May 2023
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May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       LOCAL CHOIR NEWS                                                                     Briantspuddle Village Shop and Post Office Annual Report

                                                                                            April 2023 and we have just finished what was my first “business as usual” year with
       Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,                             Covid mostly out of the way.
       Dorchester during May
                                                                                            We continue to be supported by over 40 volunteers who give their time.
       Music at St Peter’s will be presenting three events in May. Firstly, on Sunday 14
       May,  we  have  our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Eucharist  at  10.30am.  The  music   Seven days a week we have people collecting stock, be it papers, fruit and veg,
       includes William Harris’s ‘Holy is the true light’, Mozart’s Missa Brevis in G major K140   meat and bread or bird food. Leonora faithfully places the Sainsbury’s order each
       and the ‘Laudate Dominum’ from Mozart’s Vespers K339. Directly after the service     week and organises the team who turn up to take it in and put it on the shelves.
       at 11.45am, we launch our summer series of coffee concerts. The first is a recital of   Lesley  co  ordinates  the  daily  shop  counter  team  making  sure  there  is  always
       organ  music  given  by  William  Bishop,  the  current  organ  scholar  of  Tewkesbury   someone there to welcome customers in and working alongside Chips and the
       Abbey  and  Dean  Close  School.  William’s  programme  includes  music  by  Bach,   post office team keep the shop open 7 days a week.
       Bruhns and Mendelssohn. Admission is free and you can enjoy coffee and cake
       along with this musical feast!                                                       As always, we’ve seen volunteers step down and some new ones start. It’s always
                                                                                            sad when someone gives up, for whatever reason but it is really good to see new
       Later in the month on Saturday 27  May, Choral Evensong for Pentecost will take      people,  some  for  whom  circumstances  have  changed  or  who  are  new  to  the
       place  at  4.30pm.  The  music  includes:  Tallis  ‘O  Lord,  give  thy  Holy  Spirit’,  Neary   parish, getting involved.
       ‘Preces & Responses’, Joanna Forbes L’Estrange ‘Kings College Service’ and Elgar
       ‘The spirit of the Lord’. Do join us for a glass of wine after the service.          In  the  background  members  of  the  committee  make  sure  we  maintain  the
                                                                                            building and manage the utilities and we were especially pleased to welcome Jo
       You  can  keep  up  with  events  via  our  website:  on to the committee as Treasurer this year.
       musicatstpeters  or  by  following  us  on  social  media:  Facebook:  https:// Twitter: @musicatstpeter                       Towards the end of 2022, Stuart who had been managing the shop on a day-to-
                                                                                            day  basis  stepped  down.  We  recognise  the  contribution  he  made  as  Shop
                                                                                            Manager since 2020, particularly through covid, his can-do attitude ensured we
                                                                                            all were well catered for.

                                                                                            We have seen some changes in the shop. We have a new freezer, the old one
                                                                                            was old and was requiring defrosting weekly and often leaving a puddle on the
                                                                                            floor. Many thanks to Lesley who kept it going so long. We had to have the fridge
                                                                                            repaired as it broke down but it now back up and working. We also purchased
                                                                                            and additional fridge to keep the fresh fruit and veg in, ensuring it stays as fresh as
                                                                                            possible particularly during the summer months when the shop gets very hot. This
                                                                                            was funded by a grant we received during COVID from the council.
                                                                                            We have recently had the electrical wiring test carried out, all is safe and in good
                           REMINDER                                                         condition and we are covered for the next 5 years.

                To all secretaries and organisers of village clubs and events               I’m also thrilled that the Village Hall and the Social Club have contributed to the
                                                                                            cost of the WIFI this year, meaning the facility can be available to all users.
         The Dates for your Diary section at the back of the magazine is looking a bit ‘thin’.
          If you have forthcoming meetings or events, do please let me have the relevant    It is I am afraid, time for me to step down from the committee. My work is hugely
        information so that this can be updated.  It is particularly useful so that others know   demanding, and I need to find a bit of space. Being chair of Briantspuddle Village
                                                                                            shop will aways be one of my achievements I’m most proud of.  Becoming friends
                        to avoid dates which are already booked up.
                                                                                            with  so  many  whom  I  possibly  might  never  have  met  and  being  a  part  of  this
                                                                                            community is so important to me.

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