Page 15 - BR May 2023
P. 15

May 2023                              May 2023

 For  the  last  few  years  that  I  have  been  Chairman,  Charles  has  been  Vice
 Chairman.  When considering the post, I asked Charles if he would consider being
 Vice Chairman as I wanted to take advantage of his knowledge and experience.
 Looking  back,  I  was  being  presumptuous,  but  Charles  with  characteristic
 generosity agreed without hesitation.  I am very grateful for this and he taught me
 so much.
 It  was  very  sad  to say  goodbye  to Charles  at  his  Thanksgiving,  but  a life  better
 lived is hard to imagine, surrounded by family and friends.  I am privileged to call
 Charles a friend as so many of us are.  The hand of friendship he offered us and to
 this Parish over the largest part of his life is indeed something to give thanks for.
 Thank you, Charles.
 Sue Jones


 So, as we steam on into the fifth month of this year
 already we are all aware of how quickly time flies
 by  and  just  how  busy  everyone  is.  The  somewhat
 slower  paced  life  of,  for  most  of  us,  a  couple  of
 years  at  home  with  various  lockdowns  and  covid
 restrictions seems to definitely be behind us and the
 pressures and calls upon our time back in the real world have returned.
 It  is  with  this  in  mind  that  with  a  coronation  ahead  and  a  return  to  running  an
 open gardens event that the trustees have had to take the difficult decision to
 cancel this years open gardens event. This is not a decision we have taken lightly
 but our main concern is that with everything else that is going on we would not
 be able to give such an event the justice and commitment it needs and thereby

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