Page 17 - BR May 2023
P. 17

May 2023                              May 2023

 For me the purpose of the shop – this community benefit society is to do just that –   BISHOP’S LETTER
 to be a benefit to this community.
 Obviously to be the place where you can go for a pint of milk, but also to be the
 place where you can buy an Aubergine or Avocado. To be the place where you   How does one crown a king? After much rehearsal
 can find a friendly face, someone to pass the time of day with. To be the place   and  with  a  steady  hand,  I  suspect  –  and  bated
 where you can continue to contribute to your community by volunteering.   breath around the globe in that solemn moment.

 I want to thank those who have served on the committee with me, I appreciated   There  is  a  weightiness,  not  only  to  the  physical  act
 your support. And I leave the management of the shop in good hands with those   but  its  deep  spiritual  and  symbolic  import,  which  is
 who continue.   hard  to  explain  but  nevertheless  of  immense  value.
       For  the  coronation  remains  a  profoundly  Christian
 I  want  to  thank  all  of  you  customers  and  volunteers  alike,  for  coming  on  the   occasion,  in  which  an  ancient  connection  is  made
 journey with me.   between  earthly  and  divine  power,  and  our
       monarch’s  complete  dependence  on  God  for  the
 Ali Chorley
       grace to govern.
       The  greater  the  authority  -  or  majesty  -  the  greater
       the  need  to  emphasise  this  dependence.  The
 AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH   Christian heart of our monarchy, much discussed and
       disputed,  is  an  historic  safeguard  against  vainglory
 COUNCIL   and the abuse of power: it means that the anointing
       to rule becomes, inescapably, the anointing to serve
       in the pattern of Christ.
 At  our  April  meeting  the  funding  of  coronation  mugs  for  our  young  Parishioners
 was  approved.    It  has  long  been  a  tradition  for  the  Parish  to  distribute   These are ideas requiring careful translation in an era when we have almost lost
 commemorative mugs, and on this occasion the Village Hall Committee has very   what was once instinctive in our culture – humility before the Almighty, whatever
 kindly taken on the task of organising their design and purchase.   our station. Sceptical of God’s existence and suspicious of those who aren’t, the
       Christianity of our monarchy and all the mythmaking of a coronation appears to
 It was reported that the Planning Application for Battle Farm was considered at   some  as  no  more  than  an  eccentric  kind  of  national  window-dressing.  Whilst  it
 the April East Area Planning Committee Hearing.  The Application was refused by   may be this – and no worse for it - I believe the impending celebrations are also a
 a majority of 5 to 1.  This Application had been vigorously opposed by Parishioners   reminder to our fretful, forgetful age of the higher yet humbler calling to which we
 and  The  Parish  Council  added  its  own  objection  following  consideration  of  the   may yet respond, while the Lord is near.
 Application at a pubic meeting.  The planning process does allow the Applicant
 to  appeal  the  decision  and  the  Parish  Council  will  be  notified  if  an  appeal  is
 It  was  with  regret  that  the  Parish  Council  has  received  the  resignation  of  Cllr
 Graham Lightfoot so he can concentrate on other priorities.  Graham has served
 on the Council for many years and has taken particular responsibility as our Flood
 Warden, Rights of Way Officer and more recently taking the lead in researching
 how we might reduce the Parish Council’s carbon footprint.
 We will greatly miss Graham’s knowledge and guidance which has been built up
 over his extensive career in the Environment Agency.  Graham’s knowledge and
 expertise  when  applied  to  our  Parish issues  has  been pivotal  in  several  notable
 achievements  including  resisting  the  local  council’s  proposal  to  greatly  reduce
 the size of the Piddle Valley Conservation Area and persuading and working with

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